18|Leonardo's Return

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*Miles' POV*

"Miles drop and give me 20." coach shouted at me for no reason.

"Why?" I asked confusedly.

"Because you're the captain and you do as I say boy." he shouted again.

I quickly submitted as I went down on the grass that was still wet from dew. It was 8:00 in the morning and coach had made us come in an hour earlier to get some practice in since we he would be absent this afternoon.

I finished and got up.

"Good, you guys are dismissed. Hit the showers boys. Miles you stay." he said as he picked up the cones off the field.

"Yes sir?" I asked as I helped him.

"I talked to your dad last night. He said that he misses you and you've been avoiding his calls."

I immediately stopped and clenched my jaws at the sound of his name. I hated my dad.

He got into some fraud with a small gang somewhere in Europe and also got the leader's daughter pregnant. When he tells my mom he's going on 'business trips' he's actually with his secret kid. I've met the kid and the mom once or twice when my dad forced me to come with him.

"Coach don't go there." I said as I continued to pick up the cones.

Coach and my dad have been bestfriends since college. Apparently he's my dad's only friend so he tells him everything.

And no I'm not captain of the team because coach is friends with my dad. I was captain before he became coach.

"Come on Miles. Don't be like that." he pleaded.

"I don't talk to hypocrites."

Coach stopped and crossed his arms over his chest.


"You're also a hypocrite. If you weren't, you wouldn't be keeping his secrets from your mom." he said.

He was right. Not only about keeping that secret from my mom but keeping Tessa and I's secret from everyone.

"You're going to be late for class. There's no time to shower." coach says.

"I'm going to get scolded anyways so may as well be late and fresh." I said and coach laughed.

"Who do you have?" he asked.

"Dumont. That woman is miserable." I said.

"Let's go. She has a thing for me so she'll give you an easy pass." he said as he started walking.

When coach wasn't actually coaching he could be a pretty laid back guy. Whenever I had problems about my dad and stuff he would be the one I'd go to.

I opened the class door and everyone's eyes turned to me.

"Don't even bother about coming in Miles. I'm tired of you." Mrs. Dumont was quick to say.

"I'm sorry it was my fault. My dog has butt cancer and my boy Miles here was teaching me how to apply a dog pamper. Please don't punished him for the consequences his kind act." coach said in a saddened voice.

My lips quivered and my eyes watered as I tried not to laugh at his excuse.

Mrs. Dumont's face turned pale.

"Oh coach Michaels, I'm so sorry. Please come in and take a seat Miles." she said while trying to brush off her shirt.

I nodded and started to walk to my seat but before I could continue, coach held me back.

"Oh and Miles, just call your old man please." he said then walked off.


After school, I just came straight home since there was no football practice.

When I opened the door, I was met by the loud sound of classical music. I knew there could only be one explanation for this so I turned back to head out the door but was stopped.

"Miles." a rough Italian voice said.

It was the voice of the man who portrayed himself as the ultimate business and family man to the public's eye. It was the voice of the man who had two separate families in two separate countries. It was the voice of the man who's punishment was disciplined on me. It was the voice of the man who over the course of two years I have grown more and more hatred towards.

"Not doing this today dad." I said then walked towards the stairs.

"Miles please. Let's talk. You have been ignoring my calls." he said in his accent.

He grew up in Italy but migrated here. He would use his different accents interchangeably, according to the person.

"If I did answer, what would we have talked about? How much of a bad dad you are?"

"Miles, don't say that!" he shouted angrily.

I stopped in my tracks then turned to him with a raised eyebrow.

"But it's the truth Leonardo."

I raised my shirt and showed him my chest.

"Remember this? Remember Europe 2 years ago?" I asked as I pointed my index finger to the scar on my chest, remembering the horrible things that happened to me.

He stayed silent as he looked to the floor.

"Yeah, that's what I thought." I said then turned back to the stairs.

"I wanted to fix that son. Every time I'm home, you don't even give me two looks. I want us to be how we used to be. When it was just Leonardo and Miles against the world." he said.

"Well it's not just us anymore Leonardo. It's Leonardo, Miles, Leonardo's mistress and Leonardo's other son now." I rebutted.

"Miles I can't changed the past so shut up and accept that!" he shouted angrily.

"What going on here?" my mom's voice asked as I slowly see her walk into my sight.

Both my dad and I almost immediately turned paled.

"Leonardo, you just came home and you two boys are already fighting." she said, looking a little disappointed.

"Lisa, I didn't know you would be home so early." my dad said.

"My client cancelled. I missed you so much honey."  she said then gave him a hug and a kiss. "I feel like your business trips get longer every time."

I could feel my fingers twitch as I fight the urge not to punch the life out of him.

"I'm out." I said as I walked passed them.

"Milestone where are you going?" my mom asked.

"Out." I said while juggling my keys and heading out the door.

When I got into my car, my first instinct was to go to coach's house but I remembered he wasn't home.

I went to my usual spot to cool down.

The warehouse.

I picked up some rocks and threw them separately in the pond.

The sight of the pond usually relieves some of the angry that was in me but this time it was different. I was angrier than the other times my dad had decided to randomly show up and ruined my day.

I went back to my car and drove to the only other place that might help me.

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