6| Boredom Strikes

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*Isabella's POV*

Miles finished his cereal first. He leaned back into the chair and his eyes pierced onto me.

His silent gaze made me feel a little unsettled so I spoke up to lighten the mood.

"So how long have you been reading books?" I was genuinely curious but I immediately regretted asking him anything due to his response.

"Just because I read books doesn't mean I'm some undercover nerd. I told you already that you and I will never be friends so quit trying to find something to bond over."

All I did was ask a question just so we didn't have to sit in awkward silence. I gathered all my courage and took a deep breath.

"Just because I asked you a question doesn't mean I trying to be friends with you. I'd rather die than have some too full of himself jerk, who hates me for no reason as a friend."

He stayed quiet for a while, probably trying to come up with some lame come back but as soon as he was about to speak his phone rang.

"Hi mom. What? Are you ok? She's here. Okay I'll see you tomorrow be safe." he said then hang up the phone.

After hearing his words, I couldn't help but ask about Mrs. Norman being okay. Unlike Miles she was actually friendly. 

"Is your mom okay?"

"Yes, she's fine. A tree dropped down and blocked the exit of her office and the firetruck wouldn't be there until the earliest tomorrow. It also looks like you'll be staying here tonight since they closed all roads until further notice."

No I can't stay here for a whole night with Miles. We'll probably kill each other before sundown. I stayed silent because I knew there was nothing I could do.

"You can stay in the guest room and if you need change," he hesitated for a while. "you can wear something of mine." he ended while taking both of our bowls to the sink and washed them.

Hearing him say that felt like a relief since I was wearing jeans but I couldn't help but wonder if he voluntarily offered or his mom told him to do so over the phone."

"Follow me." he ordered.

As I followed him, he went up the stairs and went into his room. I watched as he took out a pajama pant and a plain grey t-shirt.

"These are the smallest I have." he said while handing them to me.

Although they were his smallest they still looked ten times larger than my usual pajamas but I was still grateful.

"And for underwear-"

"It's fine!" I blurted out before he could finish.

Catching on he nodded his head as he walked pass me out the door. He lead me down the hall and opened the last door on the left.

"This is the guest room. I'll leave you to settle in."

"Thank you." I said. And of course like every other time he didn't reply. He walked out shutting the door behind him.

Sitting down on the bed, I examined the room. It was pretty plain. The walls were cream as well as the bed sheets. At the right side of the room was a bathroom.

I changed my clothes then picked up my phone and fell back into a laying position. I dialed my mom to update her on everything. All she did was tell me to stay safe and hanged up. She was busy because she was working on her biggest case yet so I understood.

I picked up the book that Miles had allowed me to borrow but I wasn't in a reading mood so I turned off the lights and close my eyes.

10 minutes later I was still awake. Staying in this huge house with Miles locked away in his own room completely freaked me out. The loud thunder didn't make it any easier. I was scared.

I got up and made my way over to his room.

"Yes?" he answered as he opened his door. Once again shirtless.

On the right side of his chest was a small but noticeable scar. I could tell it was painful just by the way it looked.

"Can I help you?" he asked.

"I can't sleep." I said and a frown developed on his face.

"Okay and why does that matter to me again?"

"I know you said you didn't want to be friends, and that's fine but we're basically stuck in the same house together for the night so can we at lease keep each other company?"

"I don't want company and as for you, I don't care." he said while giving a pleasant smile and began to close the door.

Before he should shut it I stopped him.

"Please." I pleaded. I had put all my pride aside.

Preparing myself for a second rejection, I watched as he moved a little making space for me to pass through. I wasn't one hundred percent sure what he meant so I waited for him to say something.

"Are you going to come in or just keep standing there?" he asked, already sounding like he regretted his decision.

Dumbstruck of the fact that he agreed I pinched myself. There is an 80% chance I fell asleep and this was just a dream.

I watched as Miles slowly tilted his head and raised an eyebrow.

"Did you just pinch yourself?" he asked with a weirded out expression on his face.

So I wasn't dreaming after all.

"No, I thought something bit me. False alarm haha." I said awkwardly while forcing my way between the small space of the door frame and Miles' body.

"Just to be clear about tonight-"

"I know, I know we are not friends. You told me that over a million times." I interrupted.

Miles stirred at me with his lips in a thin line. Eventually, he walked over to his closet and threw on a hoodie. After he sat in his gaming chair while I sat on his bed.

"But why though?" I asked out of curiosity.

Leaning back into his chair with his arms folded, he gave me a puzzled look.

"Why what?" he asked.

"Why try so hard not to become friends with me? Why constantly remind me that you dislike me although we barely even talked before? Is it really so bad having a friend who isn't a popular, self-obsessed or an arrogant prick like all your other friends?"

After realizing what just came out of my mouth, I stiffen. Nervousness taking over my whole body, anxious of what the next words from Miles would.

I watched as Miles stayed in the same position, looking completely unaffected by my words.

"No reason." Miles said as he got up and turned on the tv.

"What? You treat me like crap for no reason?" I blurted out as I feel rage building up inside of me.

"I don't treat you like crap. Want to watch a movie?" he said while trying to change the subject.

My shoulders sank in. It hadn't even been 10 minutes as yet and he had already made me feel defeated. Tonight was going to be a long one.

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