3|Team Captain

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*Miles' POV*

"Norman, get your butt over here!" coach shouted.

As I walk to him, I watch as some of the guys give me 'sorry' looks and the rest try not to look at me.

"Yes sir?"

"Did you know that you're a good football player?" he asked.

I was hesitant to answer but nonetheless I did.

"Yes sir."

"Did you know that you're team captain?"

"Yes sir."

"Did you know that you have the shittiest team in the world?" he asked as he gave me a smile that looked like it was full of venom.

Feeling off-track from his question, I shallowed a lump down my throat before I answered him.

"No sir."

"Well my dear Miles," he started as he gave me a pat on the shoulder. "since you have the shittiest team in the world, do you know what that makes you?"

I shook my head, not being about to speak as I prepare for his next words.

"You're the shittiest captain in the world. Boys, I want you to do 20 laps around the field and Miles you do double." he shouted before storming off.

"Yes sir." we all said in unison.

I take a minute to calm down. I can already sense the team watching me as they wait for me to tell them to start.

"Come on guys, let's go!" I said while putting on a fake smile to hide how pissed I really am.

Coach spent five years in Iraq, came back to play professional football, had a knee injury then ended up coaching a high school football team. If I were him, I would be pretty pissed too.

As we reach half way around the field , I sense someone trying to catch up to me. When I turned, it was my bestfriend Troy.

"Hey man, I'm sorry coach is making you do all those laps." he says as we attempt to do our handshake but fail because we were moving too fast.

"It's fine." I say.

"You sure?" he asked.

"Yes, it's not like you can change it or anything." I said and waited for his response but he stayed quiet.

I liked that about Troy; even though he was a massive jerk at times, he still always managed to care.

We've been bestfriends ever since we were born. Apparently, our moms were bestfriends in high school and made this weird pact that they would get pregnant together so that their children would be bestfriends. I guessed it worked.

"Want to watch the game at my place later?" he asked, trying to change the subject.

"Wait, it's tonight?"

"Yeah, at 5:00  sharp."

"I can't make it Troy."

"Why not? It's the biggest game of the season."

I know.

"My partner is coming over."

He starts to laugh uncontrollably and I watched him with a raised eyebrow.

"Man just skip and bully him into doing your part. Problem solved." he said.

"I'm not going to make her do all that work alone."

"Wait you got a chic as your partner? Who is she? You planning on getting with her?" he asked.

"Can you chill with all the questions?"

"Sorry, I just haven't heard you talk about any girls for while so I was thinking you're into dudes now or you got a secret girl."

"It's now of those. Can't I just stay single?" I asked, finding myself wanting an answer.

He looked at me for a while then busted out in laughter.

"It's not funny Troy."

"I know, I know. I'm sorry but seriously who is the girl?" he asked as he tried to settle himself down.

"I don't know. She's a nerd. I think I saw her with Tessa once or twice but other than that I have no clue." I said honestly.

He narrowed his eyebrows for a bit. It looked like he was trying to think.

"You're talking about Tessa's bestfriend. Um, Is-Is-," he snapped his fingers. "Isabella."

I shrug.

"I've met her a few times, she didn't really talk much but she seemed nice. I don't think she's stupid enough to be your girlfriend but maybe she'll have pity on you and be your friend." he said and gave off a laugh at the end.

"Norman and Peters, less talking and more running!" coach shouted.

The team completely their 20 laps and left while I still had 20 more to do.

"Hey Norman, we'll be at The Spot if you want. Smith is paying." Jarvis said and I nodded my head.

"Hey wait up!" Troy's voice shouted from a distance said.

"What are you still doing here? I thought you left?" I asked.

"I tried to but I couldn't leave you running by yourself. Plus I need a ride." he said as he bumped his elbow into mine.

I smiled and for the rest of the 20 laps we talked about upcoming games this season.

When we finished the last lap, coach was standing as he slowly clapped.

"Peters, I'm really proud of you keep up the good work." he said to Troy then looked at me and walked off.


"Don't start." I said as I walked to get my water bottle.

He always felt the need to apologize to me whenever I'm not being rewarded. He knows I hate when he does that but it's like a habit to him.

I picked up my bag and headed to my black Mercedes-Benz. Technically, it's my dad's but since he's not around I get to use it.

The car ride to The Spot was silent. Neither Troy nor I dared to speak.

I parked the car and we both walked into the small diner together.

Before we saw where the guys were, we could already identify them from their loud chatter and laughter.

Troy and I walked over to the group and sat at the two vacant seats left for us. They all greeted us with handshakes and hugs and acted like they didn't just see us 30 minutes ago.

I watched as they all conversed and laughed at each other's horrible jokes. I couldn't help but let out a small smirk.

They acted like we were all one big happy family.

If coach gave me 100 laps to run because of them, I would do it. I didn't care that they made a mistake, mistakes are apart of learning. They were my team and a good captain always protects his team.

Coach seems to think motivation is by saying horrible stuff to us and bringing us down. I guess it works because our team hasn't lost a match in years.

I check the time and see it's almost 5.

"Sorry guys, I have to go." I said as I got up and searched for my keys in my pocket.

"What? You just got here." Bryan says.

"He has a girl coming over." Troy said before making duck faces.

Everyone at the table makes an 'ou' sound.

I roll my eyes then left.

When I drove in, I expected her to be there since it was now 5 but there was no sign of her.

I sat down and waited for her to come and by 5:30 there was still no sign of her.

I was pissed.

I could've been watching the game with Troy right now. I sighed then got up and decided to take a shower since she was clearly a no show.

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