8|Burnt Waffles

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*Miles POV*


I let out a loud groan as I turned to turn off my alarm.

I looked to the side of me and see the girl I'm not suppose to be friends with sleeping peacefully on my bed besides me.

The television was still on and now there was a movie that wasn't even in English playing. My guess is that we had probably fallen asleep in the middle of the movie.

I got up and walked as silently as I could to the bathroom.I took a leak then went to in front of the mirror.

I looked at my face. Even though I had just woken up I had bags under my eyes and my face looked drained and worn-out. I think of the times I would get out of bed and look the complete opposite of how I look today.

I would be so happy to wake up in the mornings and now I'm not.

My eyes then navigated to my chest where my scar is. I folded my fist as I recall how I got it in the first place.

For the past few months, I've been keeping a lot of secrets and everyday the guilt just gets stronger and stronger.

I shook my head trying to get all these overbearing thoughts from my head and splashed my face with water from the sink.

When I look up, I almost jumped. The girl that was once sleeping on my bed, was now looking at me in the mirror.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." she said.

"You didn't." I said as I walk passed her and walk to my dresser.

"Thanks for keeping me company last night. I had fun." she said as she followed me. Is it that hard for her to leave me alone?

I stayed quiet as I put on the first shirt that came to my hand.

She watched me for a little bit then walked out.

I felt bad. I know she was only trying to be nice and make conversation but it was for the best.

My phone rang.

"Noman." an unwanted voice said.

"Yes coach?"

"There isn't any practice today for the kids but make sure you're early on Monday." he said then quickly hang up.

On Saturdays, I would help coach with the junior team. Football is important to me and helping others learn the game and how to play it well brings me joy.

I felt a sharp pain in my stomach indicating it was time to eat.

I threw my phone on my bed and headed outside. When I reached by the stairs I stopped.

I should probably offer her something to eat.

Don't do it.

My inner conscience said but I did it anyway.

I turned around and walked to the guest room. I knocked before I entered.

She laid on the bed reading the book I had leant her last night.

"I'm going to make breakfast now so if you want you can come." I said before shoving my hands into my pants.

I carefully watched her eyes moving side to side as she read the book. She pretended as though I hadn't said anything.

I was mad. I hate when I'm ignored. I see what she was doing and it was petty but it worked. She was trying to act the same way towards me as I did to her.

"I'm sorry okay!" I shouted before walking out.

I headed to the kitchen and took out the frozen waffles from the freezer.

I looked at the box and read the directions at the back. This was the first time I would ever be making waffles. Usually my mom or the cook, Lydia would make me breakfast but I guess I'm all on my own today.

Isabella then walked into the kitchen and sat on the stool by the the kitchen island. I watched her silently but she didn't look back. I wasn't in the mood for tricks.

I lit the stove and put on a frying pan. It was fairly big so three waffles could fit at once.

She looked at me eyes wide open as though I had just done something illegal. Her strange stare only made me feel more pressured.

"What?" I asked, not being able to take it anymore.

She shook her head, indicating nothing was wrong but from the smile I could see her trying to hold in, I knew I was doing something wrong.

I ignored her until all were cooked.

We sat at the dining table and ate in silence. I had definitely done something wrong because the waffles were burnt and tasted horrible.

It felt weird not hearing her yapping on about something or trying to ask me questions. I had already apologised. What else did she expect me to do?

We finished eating and were just sitting at the table in silence. Neither of us dared to make the first move. I guess it was for the best. I didn't want us to become friends.

I took out my phone and started replying back to some of messages and she took out her book.

"Anyone home?"

I looked to the side and saw my mom at the doors. Her shoes were still on and her hand bag was in one hand. "Good morning!"

"Morning." Isabella and I said in sync.

I turned to Isabella. "The roads are open let's go."

I picked up my keys, walked outside and waited for her at my car. I didn't waste anytime because as soon as I take her home, I'm going back to sleep.

She came out in a few minutes. "I put your clothes in the dirty laundry."

I nodded then started driving.

"I'm sorry too."

I looked at her confused. Why was she apologising.

"I shouldn't have been pushing you."

I kept driving and stayed quiet.

I turned into her road and parked in front of her house.

"Thanks again for everything."

I kept quiet once again.

"I thought you weren't going to do that anymore." she said sounding upset.

"I said I was sorry. I didn't say I was going to stop."

"So what's the point of apologizing if you're just going to continue?"

I could almost see steam blowing out of her nose.

I shrugged.

She stared at me. I almost thought she wanted me to say something. She picked up her bag then left. Finally.

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