14|Mini Millers

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*Isabella's POV*

I woke up and found myself smiling this morning. Miles had suddenly changed his mind on being friends for another unknown reason yesterday and had invited me to spend today with him. He told me to get ready for 9 and knowing that he hates when people are late I started getting ready at 8.

I'd begged him to tell me where we were going but he didn't budge. All he did was tell me to wear something casual. I thought about putting on a jeans and a t-shirt but something else caught my eye. It was a sundress I had bought in the summer but never got to wear it

"Come in." I said after I heard a knock on my door.

"Hey sweetie. Why didn't you tell me you were going on a date? Your boyfriend is downstairs." my mom said while giving me a wink.

"Mom it's not a date!" I assured her.

"Whatever you say Bella. I have to go to work now. Your dad would probably be home before me." she said while rushing out.

I nodded then looked at myself one more time before heading downstairs.

When I reached downstairs, Miles was sitting patiently in the living room in deep concentration with his phone. I contemplated whether to notify him of my presence or wait to see if he realizes. After a minute, I realized that wasn't going to work so I made myself noticed.

"Eh em"

He quickly stood up and stared at me. It wasn't like his usual blank stares, this one was different. He looked shocked.

"You look...nice."

Trying my best not to laugh I thanked him then headed out the door. He quickly followed behind me and rushed to open my door. I really like this side of Miles.

"So can you tell me where we are going now? And why are you dressed like you're going to exercise?" I asked.

"Fine, since we're almost there, I'll tell you. On Saturdays I usually help out coach with the junior team." he said.

"So you brought me to watch you teach kids how to play football?" I asked as I tried to hold in a laugh.

"No, you're not going to watch you're going to be helping me teach them." he said calmly.

"What? I don't even know how to play football."

"Don't worry it'll be easy."

That didn't didn't help.

"When you said we were going to get to know each other, I didn't exactly think of helping you teach children how to play football and I'm not even dressed for this." I said as I tried to change his mind.

"This wasn't what I had planned either. I forgot that I had to do this when I asked you but this made it even better. And I know you would have some sort of excuse so I walked with an extra shirt and shorts." he said.

"Why are you even helping the coach out? He treats you and the team like you're worthless."

"You may think that but I just call it tough love."

Did he forget about his coach said at the game? That was far from tough love,

"And we are here. Change."

He handed me a white t-shirt with a short sweatpants then left. 

I stayed still for a while trying to take in everything that just happened then eventually changed. I came out the car and spotted Miles leaning on a tree waiting for me.

I couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed as I walked up to him. Although I had tightened the string on his sweatpants it was still falling off of me. The shirt wasn't as bad.

"Finally." he said. All I did was roll my eyes as I followed him.

As we reached on the field, I heard loud screams. The sight that was in front me was almost petrifying. There were a bunch of screaming children, looking no older than 6 running our way. I was about to run before I took a glance at Miles and saw we was smiling at them. He looked so calm as if he was used to this.

"Are-are-are those the children?" I asked him trying my best not to sound terrified.

"Yes. You almost sound like you are afraid or something." he said while laughing. I laughed back so he wouldn't find out that was the actual case.

"Coach Norman! Coach Norman!" I heard a couple of the little boys shouted while the others bombarded him with hugs.

The sight was wholesome.

"Everyone calm down! I want you to meet my," he took a look at me as if he was trying to figure out what to call us. "friend Isabella. Now show her how the Mini Millers treat guest."

Before I knew it, a bunch of 6 year old boys were squeezing the life out of me.

I stood still as I watched all their mother's take pictures of us from the sidelines. We haven't even started as yet and I've already regretted this.

"Okay that's enough boys. Fall in line!" I heard a rough voice say. I turned back to see who it was and it was the coach.

"Do your job Miles. If you need me, I'll be over by the moms." he said then tapped Miles on the back and walked off.

"Well I guess we're in charge now. Let's get the boys warmed up."

By now all the boys were lined up in two rows and faced us. I felt like they were training these boys to be in the army or something.

"Go a head Isabella. Tell them what to do."

What was I suppose to do? I don't know how their warm up routine goes.

"Okay boys, warm up." I said while smiling at them to be polite.

They all looked at me puzzled as if I was speaking a foreign language.

"You're suppose to give them an exercise." Miles whispered into my ears.

"Drop and give me 20!" I shouted. I figured they would know what I meant since Miles and the coach treated them like soldiers but they all still looked at me confused.

"Go take a lap boys." Miles ordered and within unison they all ran off.

I felt even more embarrassed.

"It's ok you'll get it." Miles assured me with an assertive smile.

After the boys were back from their lap, Miles took out the football then told them to start playing.

I stood at the side watching Miles guide the boys. I could tell football was truly his passion from the way his eyes lit up. That smile that I saw the night we watched the movie was back on his face once more. I caught myself smiling as I watched him smile. 

Then I saw he took a glance at me. I quickly dropped my smile and tried to play it cool but I knew he had already seen me.

After the boys were finished playing, he made them do some stretches then dismissed them.

"I saw you staring at me again." he said while walking up to me.

"You were hallucinating." I said and we both laughed in sync.

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