Chapter 4

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Finally, it was Saturday evening, and I was in the infirmary, finishing up my work. By 6:30, I was done and was about to leave when the door to the ward opened and I saw none other than Levi. For a second, I panicked thinking he was hurt. But before I could say anything, he casually asked, "Hey, do you want to go for a walk?"

I couldn't believe my ears. Did I hear it right?

He was waiting for me to respond. "Uh, sure! Give me two minutes, I'll be right there". He gave a small nod and left.

I turned around only to find Anna and Thomas giggling like school kids. My whole body was getting warm. This was unexpected. Calm down. I reminded myself. I quickly took off my lab coat, untied my hair and straightened my clothes. Thankfully, I wasn't in my uniform. I had a black half-sleeved shirt on that fit me perfectly and grey coloured pants that were a bit loose for comfort. I was also wearing my favourite ankle-length black boots. I took a look at myself in the mirror above the basin and fixed my H/L H/C hair. I was forced to take another glance at Anna and Thomas who for some reason couldn't stop "coughing". They both shot me a thumbs-up, to which I rolled my eyes and left the room, hoping they didn't see my red cheeks.

Levi was waiting for me at the main entrance. He was dressed in a plain white shirt that suited him and light blue pants. As always, he smelled great. Stop being creepy Y/N.

"Sorry to keep you waiting.", I tried to sound apologetic.

"It's fine.", he said and continued to walk ahead of me. 

The sun was slowly setting and it was getting a bit chilly. I hurried my pace to keep up with him. Soon I caught up and we were now walking side by side. Whenever I stole a glance at him, he kept looking straight ahead.

"Enjoying the view?", he asked suddenly and almost made me stop on my spot.


"The sunset.", he replied looking at me and gave me his trademark smirk. Jerk.

"Yeah it's beautiful...the sunset.", I said putting extra emphasis on the latter half of the sentence. He gave a soft chuckle.

We kept walking straight and were almost nearing the lake. I finally have him all to myself. This is the best time to ask about his childhood and his life in the underground.

"So, what was it like growing up with Erwin?", he asked before I even had the chance to think of a question.

"Well...for the record, you're not interested in my brother, are you?" I asked trying to see how he would react. Boy, you'd be in trouble if he said yes. Wait, why?

"He's not my type.", he said, his expression unchanged. I was even more confused with the answer.

"Aah, so what is your type?", I was curious now.

"Well for starters, they'd have to be a woman." He smiled at me and I chuckled. For some reason, I felt relieved.

The lake was now in front of us. It reflected a light orange colour from the setting sun and I saw two birds quenching their thirst before flying off to their nest.

"Do you want to sit?", I proposed. Levi nodded and looked for a patch of grass that was dry and clean. I smiled to myself and followed his lead. We finally found a spot near one of the trees and sat down.

"Erwin and I were born and raised in Trost district.", I started. "Our father taught history at a school in our hometown and our mother was a nurse at a hospital nearby. I was three and Erwin was around eight when father passed away...or was killed rather.", I saw Levi turn his face towards me, but I continued to look at the ground.

No matter where you are- Levi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now