Chapter 18

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A month later

One morning I was on my way to Erwin's office after he had called me for an urgent meeting. When I reached his door, I heard muffled voices. Out of curiosity, I pressed my ears against the door and heard Levi's voice. "I don't care Erwin! She's not going."

What are they talking about? I knocked. "Erwin it's me." I was starting to get a bad feeling.

"Come in, Y/N.", he called out.

I turned the knob and stepped inside. Erwin was sitting in his chair and Levi was prancing around the room looking anxious.

"What's wrong?", I asked nervously.

"It's an order from the King. They want our medics to join us in the next expedition.", Erwin said holding out a letter.

I walked up to him and took the letter. It was just like he said. The king wanted a medical team to be part of the expedition to prevent as many casualties as possible. That explains why Levi is mad.

"Tch. Anna and Thomas should be fine. Y/N doesn't have to come.", Levi said before I could say something.

"I'm coming, Levi.", I immediately shot back.

"Oi, do you have any idea how dangerous it is? You don't even have practice with the ODM gear!", he raised his voice.

"I'll practice then! The expedition is in three weeks, I have plenty of time.", I tried to sound rationale.

It didn't work. "This is ridiculous. Erwin!", Levi turned to Erwin.

"It's really her decision, Levi. I mean I wouldn't want her to risk her life either, but I can't stop her without a valid reason.", Erwin replied.

When Levi didn't seem convinced, he continued, "Look, the medics are going to stay near the wall. There won't be any need for them to go near the titans."

Levi looked at me. "He's right Levi. It'll be fine. I'll be closer to the wall."

"Tch. Do as you please.", Levi replied and stormed out of the room.

Sigh. "I'll talk to him.", I said to Erwin. He looked a bit anxious too.

"Are you sure you want to do this Y/N?"

"Yes! I'm not going to sit here and wait when I could be saving lives out there.", I said sounding determined.

He smiled. "I knew you'd say something like that. You're my sister after all."

I smiled back. "That I am."

Later that night after finishing my work, I went to see Levi. I opened the door only to find him shirtless with a towel around his neck.

"Tch. Can't you knock?"

"C'mon and miss seeing this?", I teased as I made my way towards him.

I stood close to him and stretched my hand to cup his face. But he grabbed my wrist, stopping me midway. He walked past me and sat on his bed.

"You're stubborn, Y/N. I knew two other idiots who were just as stubborn and I lost them both."

I could see the pain in Levi's eyes. It broke my heart. I walked to the bed and knelt on the floor. I placed my hands on his thighs and said, "Listen to me Levi. I understand how you feel about this. But believe me, you're not going to lose me. I will be careful. Like Erwin said, I won't go anywhere near the titans."

I placed my hand on his cheek. This time he let me. "I'm going to practice using the ODM gear. Even though I'm not gonna need it, I will. And I swear, if in three weeks I still can't use it well, I won't come.", I assured him.

His face softened and he finally nodded his head. I smiled. Before I could get up, Levi grabbed me into a hug. He buried his head in the crook of my neck and I slowly brushed his soft hair. "Don't leave me.", he whispered.

"I won't. I promise.", I whispered back.

I got up from the ground and climbed on the bed. I wrapped my legs around his thighs, and sat on his lap. I kissed his lips and he slowly grabbed my ass. I smiled.

The next thing I knew, he had rolled me over. He grabbed both my hands and pinned them above my head. He came close to me and his head was only a few inches away. "Since you saw me shirtless, I think it's my turn now."

My stomach did a flip-flop. He let go of my hands and I pulled my top off my head. He kissed my lips and then my neck. As he started to make his way down, I felt my insides burning. I bit my lower lip to stop myself from moaning. I closed my eyes and let myself go, dissolving into the bliss that was taking over my body.

Three weeks passed swiftly and before I knew, the day of the expedition had arrived. I had mastered the craft of flying in the ODM gear, but I was still not very adept at using the blades. Oh well, I won't be needing them anyway. Levi was satisfied with my flying so I had finally managed to join the mission.

I was in my room harnessing the gear around my waist, making sure it was tight, while Levi was waiting on me. He looked a bit uneasy. 

"Okay, I'm done. Let's go." I said hurrying to the door, when Levi suddenly grabbed my wrist.

I turned around and caught him looking directly into my eyes.

"Y/N, don't do anything reckless out there.", he reminded me.

"Look who's talking.", I joked.

"Tch. I'm serious. You have to stay near the wall no matter what. If shit goes down, just make a run on your horse. Get on top of the wall as soon as you can."

I sighed. Placing my other hand on top of his I said, "Okay. I will. Don't worry Levi, I'll be careful. You just focus on the mission."

"Tch. You don't have to tell me that.", he retorted.

I smiled and grabbed him into a hug, squeezing him tightly under my arms. "You be careful too."

"I will be."

We made our way to the stables, mounted our horses, and got into our respective positions. Soon Erwin let out the battle cry and we charged towards wall Maria. 

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