Chapter 16

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We boarded one of the carriages and I asked the horseman to take us back to headquarters. Levi and I sat facing each other. I was a bit hazed after my outburst. I disliked conflicts and it was so unlike me to raise my voice, especially in front of complete strangers. 

Of course. Of course it was. I have never done anything like this because I have never felt anything like this. I looked at the boy sitting in front of me, who was looking outside the window.

"That was quite something I have to say.", he finally spoke turning his head towards me. A small smile formed on his lips. "I mean that's got to leave a mark."

I chuckled. "Well, he deserved it."

"That he did."

I felt the ache in my heart again. "I'm sorry for what they said Levi. They're a bunch of idiots. I'm sorry you had to go through that."

"Tch. Why are you apologizing idiot?"

"No, but..."

"It's fine, Y/N. I'm used to it. I don't care what they say about me. What I couldn't stand is what he said about my mother." I could sense the anger in Levi's tone.

"I understand." I replied giving his hand a gentle squeeze.

"But this whole thing might land you in trouble. Erwin is probably suspicious.", he stated.

I sighed. "You think I don't know? I said what I did fully knowing what the consequences are going to be. But I don't care, Levi. They had no right to say mean things about you, or the people in the underground. I did what I had to. I don't regret it. I don't care what anyone thinks now...unless you do.", I said looking him straight in the eye. I wanted him to know that I was serious. A part of me also wanted to know how much he was willing to risk for my sake.

He gave a soft chuckle. "I wouldn't have waited for you if I did.", he said earning a relieved smile from me. "Besides, if anything, I thought it was pretty hot.", he smirked and a split second later, he was sitting next to me.

I turned my head towards him, and our faces were only a few inches apart.

"Really?", I managed to get out, getting lost in his steel-grey eyes.

"Really. That was hot.", he whispered, and we both leaned in at the same time, crashing our lips onto each other's. The kiss was rough and passionate. I felt like I would die if I pulled away. I didn't want to stop. I slowly lowered my back on the seat, pulling Levi in, never letting his lips escape mine.

Hange's POV

I was trying to take in the events that had unfolded in front of my eyes. I couldn't believe what I had seen. I knew Y/N had a strong sense of justice, but she was never one to raise her voice, let alone hit someone. But I guess this is different. It's about Levi.

No matter how much she had tried to deny it, I knew she was in love with him. Still, it did take courage to stand up to these people. Even Erwin couldn't do it. I looked at him and his gaze was still on the door that Y/N had just slammed shut.

He finally turned around and addressed everyone at the table, "I apologize for the way my sister behaved. There was no need for her to be so aggressive and violent."

Most people looked sympathetic, accepting the apology since Erwin had a good reputation. The nobles were clearly still pissed. Henry Biron scoffed. "This behaviour doesn't suit a woman, Commander. You should teach her better."

Can you believe this guy?

"With all due respect sir, she is an adult and has every right to have her independent thoughts and opinions. I am not going to reprimand her for that. But, I will talk to her about the need to manage her anger better.", Erwin shot back immediately.

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