Chapter 26

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Author's Note

Hi readers!

So here you go, the final chapter of 'No matter where you are'. Please play the music video above when it says so in the chapter. I have added the translated lyrics too because I think they are perfect for Levi and Y/N :')

It's been a lot of fun writing this story for you all. Thank you for sticking till the very end! I hope it was worth it :) As mentioned earlier, I will be writing a sequel to this because Y/N and Levi's story is far from over! It'll be a while before it comes out though as I want to do it justice. But whenever it does, I'll announce it, so stay tuned!

Thank you again <3


I opened the large bedroom windows and felt the ray of sunlight bounce off my face. As I stood there taking in the view of Mitras, I thought back to the previous week. Everything had happened so quickly- accepting the offer, preparing all documents, packing my bags, and the worst of all, saying goodbye to people.

Dr. Hughes, who had mentored me was extremely proud. He believed a bright future awaited me in the central capital. Anna and Thomas were proud too although a bit sad that I was leaving.

"We'll miss having you around Y/N.", Anna said warmly as she pulled me into a hug.

"Yeah, don't forget us when you become a hotshot!", Thomas joked and hugged me too.

"Take care, both of you. Do meet me when you're in Sina." I said giving them a soft smile.

I said goodbye to the nurses, including Sophie san, who was kind enough to pack me some cookies.

Hange was the one who took the news worse than anyone else. It was probably the first time I saw them cry.

"You know, I have never regretted my decision of joining the Survey Corps even though I knew MPs had more funds for research. But today is the one time I wish I had taken up that job.", they said while wiping off their tears.

I pulled them into a tight hug. "I'll miss you so much Hanj."

"I'll miss you too bestie. So much."

I had been trying not to cry up until then, but I couldn't hold in the tears anymore. "Take care. Don't do anything Hange like that might put you in danger."

They laughed. "Aye aye captain. You're going to visit often, right?"

"Depends on how much work I have but I'll try.", I gave them an assuring smile.

"You have to. Your boyfriend's going to lose it otherwise!"

I chuckled softly but my smile dropped. "Take care of Levi for me Hanj."

"Of course I will."

I hugged them again. "I'll see you soon."

"Yes, very soon. Take care of yourself, Y/N."

A knock on the door startled me and brought me back to the present. I turned around to see that it was Erwin.

"Just spoke with Nile. Everything is settled. I have handed in all the paperwork so you're good to start."

I nodded my head. "Thanks, Erwin."

He smiled softly and walked over to me.

"You take care of yourself, Y/N. Devote your heart and do your best. I'm very proud of you."

"I will. You take care too, okay? And write to me."

He nodded and pulled me into a hug. "I'll miss having you around."

No matter where you are- Levi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now