Chapter 13

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One week later

I was working late in the infirmary on a Friday night, when I heard the door open. My head was buried in a book, and it was only when the person reached my table, that I decided to look up. It was Erwin.

"You could get kidnapped, and you wouldn't even realise.", he mocked me.

I smiled sheepishly. "Sorry."

"Aren't you tired Y/N? It's quite late.", he reminded me.

I looked at the clock. It was almost 10.

"I was trying to figure something out and I didn't realise where time went.", I said rubbing the back of my head, looking at ten other books lying on the table.

Erwin sighed. "You've always been like this. Don't push yourself too much."

"I know I know. But look who's talking!", I teased.

He chuckled. "Anyway, I came here to ask you if you wanted to accompany me to a party tomorrow night."

"A party?", I questioned.

"Yeah, the King is throwing a party to celebrate the success of our expedition. He has invited all senior members of Survey Corps, Garrisons and the Military Police.", Erwin replied.

"Okay, but where do I fit in all this?"

"Well, I get to bring someone, and Hans has specially requested that I bring you. Do you remember him?"

Hans. The name sounds familiar. And then I remembered. Hans was the son of Henry Biron, the head of one of the Noble families. He was also the sole heir to all their wealth. I had met him at a similar party around five years ago, where we had struck up a conversation. I couldn't remember what we had talked about, but I did find him quite charming. He was, however, much older than me, maybe around 25 at that time.

"Ah, yes I remember him. He has specially asked for me? Why?", I asked in confusion.

Erwin shook his head and gave me a knowing look. I narrowed my eyebrows.

"But we've only talked one time before. Why would he be interested?" It didn't make sense.

"I don't know, Y/N. But he's still unmarried. What does that tell you?", Erwin raised his eyebrows.

"That something's wrong with him?", I joked and started laughing.

"You could say the same about me." 


"Now that is because you've decided to marry your work! Otherwise, who wouldn't want to marry my brother?", I corrected him.

Erwin laughed. "Alright! Will you come or not?"

Sigh. "Do I have to?", I was not too fond of socialising and Erwin knew it.

"Hange is going to be there.", he tried to bait me.

"Oh, alright!" Wait, if Hange is going to be there, maybe...

"Great! We'll leave by 6. Be ready by then."

I nodded. "Is it just the two of you from Survey Corps?", I asked trying to sound casual.

"No, all squadron leaders have been invited. I am also going to ask Levi to come since he's the reason why we're even having this party."

My heart jumped at that, but I tried my best to hide the smile that was forming on my lips.

"Right. That makes sense." Whatever. I am casual.

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow. Try to get some sleep.", Erwin ordered and left.

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