Chapter 6

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Two weeks later

It was our last day at the hospital and we were packing our things. I was satisfied with the work we had done and I couldn't wait to go back to headquarters. I couldn't wait to see everyone, especially Levi.

"Thank you, Doctor.", said Nina tugging at my lab coat. I smiled and knelt down to meet her height. She was only five and had lost both her parents in the fire. She had escaped with minor injuries and was now left under the care of her grandparents. I ruffled her hair and said, "You're a brave girl, Nina. Take care of your grandparents.", she grinned and nodded her head.

"Ready to go Y/N?", Anna asked taking one final look around. Thomas was outside, trying to get a wagon to take us back. There were still some people in the infirmary recovering from their injuries but compared to how it was when we first came to the hospital, things definitely looked better.

"Yeah, let's g-", I couldn't finish my sentence as I heard people running in the corridor.  Suddenly, I heard screams. Anna and I looked at each other in panic. Almost immediately, the door to our ward flung open and I saw men armed with guns, their faces covered with a black cloth that only revealed their eyes. They locked the door and pointed their guns at us. People in the ward started screaming. I quickly grabbed Nina, who started to cry, and stepped back to where Anna was standing.

 "KEEP IT DOWN OR WE'LL SHOOT!", the men yelled and everyone went silent. Nina continued to cry. "Shh, it's okay. You'll be okay.", I whispered to her but I didn't believe myself. What the hell is happening?

One of the men came forward and shifting his gaze from me to Anna asked, "Who among you is Y/N Smith?"

I was shocked to hear my name but no sound came out of my mouth. Anna and I kept silent.

"If you don't tell me, I am going to shoot her!", he said as he pointed the gun at Nina's grandmother.

"GRANDMA!!", she yelled, wiggling in my arms. I tried to hold her steady.

"HURRY UP", the man shouted as his finger moved to the trigger. No. I can't let her die.

"It's me.", I said quietly but firmly.

"Y/", I heard Anna say, her voice breaking.

"Put the kid down and come with us.", the same man ordered. I did what he said. Nina looked at me whimpering but I gave her a reassuring smile.

"I'll come with you. But you have to leave these people alone. If it's me who you want, you have no reason to kill them.", I said forcefully.

"Fine. We won't kill them but sorry missy, we can't let them go. Not until we get orders." 

I wondered who was behind them.

"Steve, Mark, you watch over them. Rest of you, take her.", he said looking at me. I watched as one man grabbed my arm and two others surrounded me. They shoved me to move and I obeyed. 

I took one glance behind and saw Anna mouthing something. "THOMAS" and I understood what she meant. Thomas might have noticed the commotion inside and gone to get help. I hope you're right, Anna, I thought to myself as I kept walking, wondering where they were taking me.

We finally reached a secluded building, and I was being taken to the basement through a barely lit staircase. I started to panic thinking of the horrible things that could happen to me here. Once inside the basement I saw there was a cell. My eyes widened when I saw that several girls, probably my age, were locked up inside it. A part of me was relieved to know that I wasn't alone but the scared expressions on their faces made me anxious. The man who was holding my arm pushed me inside the cell and locked it.

"Gunther, you stay here.", the man was told. "You two come with me. We're meeting boss.", said the leader ordered the other two men.

Once the men had left, the man called Gunther turned to us and with the most disgusting smile said, "Now you girls just behave, and you'll soon be rewarded."

He then went and sat down on the chair next to the cell. I noticed how the other girls panicked at his words. I walked over to one of them and whispered, "What's going on? Why are you all locked up?". She was too scared to answer but the girl beside her whispered back, her voice shaking with every word she spoke.

"W-we're g-getting sold." I gasped in horror. No. No way.

Levi's POV

"Hurry up. Clean that spot too.", I ordered Abel, who was doing a horrible job at something that shouldn't be so hard.

"Oh c'mon Levi, I already cleaned that spot. Cut me some slack, will you?", he whined.

"Tch. You're useless."

"Why are you on edge? Isn't your girlfriend coming back today? Shouldn't you be happy?", he mocked. The idiot.

"Oi, how many times do I have to tell you that she's not my-

"Levi! Commander Erwin has called you in his office. It's urgent. Y/N...", Mike barged in panting.

My stomach turned. I didn't let him finish and rushed towards Erwin's office.

"Erwin, what the hell is going on? Where's Y/N?", I entered the room without knocking and all eyes in the room fell on me.

"Levi, Y/N has been kidnapped. I received this a while ago.", he said handing me a note. I grabbed it and started reading. I felt my heart racing and my mind picturing all kinds of horrible things. Y/N had been kidnapped by a local businessman named Tyler who wanted Erwin to sign a deal with him. He wanted Erwin to give him half of the money received for the expedition. If he failed, he would sell Y/N to a pimp. Tyler wanted Erwin to meet him alone with the said money.

I felt my insides burning with anger and I realised I had almost crumbled the paper.

"They're also holding Anna and others hostage at the hospital.", Erwin said glancing at Thomas who I could tell had come as soon as he could, and looked visibly scared.

"He knows we would be forced to save the hostages at the hospital so I would have to go alone. There's no way I am giving the taxpayer's money to a bastard like him. But Y/N...", he said and for the first time I sensed a mix of anger and worry in his voice.

"So then what are we waiting for? Let's go save her!", I raised my voice.

"Calm down, Levi. We've sent our men to find out where their hideout is. If we move carelessly, Y/N's life could be in danger.", four-eyes said trying to sound rationale.


Everyone fell quiet and started thinking. After a minute, Erwin finally spoke, "I want him to think that we fell for his plan. Mike, Hange, take as many people you need and rescue the hostages. I will meet Tyler alone just like he wants. His biggest mistake is to think that I can only take down titans. Levi, I want you to save Y/N. If they get wind of what we're planning, who knows what they might to do to her. So, you have to do this alone. I know you can save her. I am trusting you." The last line was not the commander speaking. It was an older brother trusting me with his sister's life.

"I'll save her. You just worry about Tyler." He nodded and I immediately left. As soon as I mounted my horse, the scouts returned with information on the hideout. I pulled on the reins and took off in the direction they mentioned with only one thought in mind. Don't die on me Y/N.

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