Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

My alarm went off after two hours of solid rest. It was wonderful. I met Grant in the kitchen ready for another day of appearances. Grant and Prince Marcus were going to go back to the museum so Prince Marcus could give a speech to the people and officially open the museum to the public. Jackson and I were going to the hospital to visit the children.

"How's Prince Marcus?" I asked leaning over the island in the free area of the kitchen. The rest of the kitchen was bustling as the staff prepared breakfast for the family.

"Well, not bad," Grant muttered, "He's easy to work for if you're a perfect Protector."

"Thank goodness you are," I laughed as he choked on his coffee from laughing.

"That's what I'm saying," Grant said, tossing a piece of toast at me.

I giggled and responded in like. Lou and Jackson interrupted us, "Here they are," Lou said, smiling.

"Hi!" I said, stepping towards him.

"We have to get going, Grant, my brother is looking for you," Jackson said politely, but not as pleasant as he usually is.

Grant groaned, "Tell me he's not pacing," then he ran off ahead of us.

I rushed to Jackson who was already taking off down the hall, "Hey!" I said, slowing down and matching his stride, "How are you doing this morning?"

"I didn't mean to interrupt your breakfast with Grant," he said quietly, not looking at me.

"Oh, don't worry about it. He's basically a child, so you save me from getting toast in my blazer," I laughed.

"You seemed to be having fun," he said softly. It wasn't accusatory in any way, but there was a hint of sadness.

I looked at my feet, knowing I should just keep my mouth shut and let him think whatever he was thinking about Grant and I, even if it was a lie. It was safer to keep a barrier between us, but instead I said, "It was wonderful to get to know you more last night."

Jackson stopped short of the grand foyer where our driver was waiting, causing me to walk right past him. I turned back to him and smiled. His face lightened, "Good."

"Now, I think we should get going. A bunch of kids are waiting for you," I said, opening the door.

Jackson reached past me, brushing my back with his chest, and took the door, "After you."

He smelled like a tantalizing mix of fresh air and musk, like he'd just showed after a workout. He was dressed casually in a pair of gray pants and a white buttoned up shirt, rolled up to his elbows. I rolled my eyes at his need to be chivalrous and walked through the door, ignoring the rush his scent and touch sent through me.

We rode to the hospital talking about Jackson's past experiences with the children. Most were there because their families couldn't afford to take care of them so they waited at the hospital to be placed in an orphanage. Others were sick from the lack of fresh food; some were there after accidents. It was different for each child.

When we got there I was a little nervous. I hadn't been around many children in my life, most Protectors in training arrived at 13, some younger like I was, but for the most part the new young ones didn't interact much with us.

As soon as we entered the hospital, I saw the walls lined with sick people waiting to be cared for. The King had reduced funding to the hospitals to help build the museum, so the hospital was incredibly understaffed and simply didn't have the resources or knowledge to help a lot of people. I stood close to Jackson, ready to shove him aside even if someone tried to cough on him....a bit overzealous, maybe, but I was becoming more and more protective of my charge.

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