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4 years had passed and Menma was now 12 years old. He was Rookie of the year with the 3rd best scores of an academy student. Being beaten by Minato Namikaze who was 2nd and Naruto Namikaze who was 1st with the best scores of an academy student. Today was Graduation and he had passed the written tests, so now he had to do another test today to graduate. "Okay class so you have all passed the written tests so now you will do a Bunshin no jutsu and a Henge no jutsu, then you all dodge a Kunai I will throw. First is Shino Aburame."
skip to Sasuke's turn
"Sasuke Uchiha!" Sasuke walks to the front of the class. "Okay Sasuke you are to do a clone jutsu and transform into me. Then" "Hai Sensei." Sasuke does the clone then transforms into Iruka. "Nice Sasuke now dodge this Kunai." Iruka throws a Kunai at Sasuke and he dodges easily. "Nice Sasuke, here's your Hitai-ate." Iruka hands it to Sasuke and he walks back to his seat. "Next is Karin Uzumaki!" Karin walks to the front of the class. She does the same as Sasuke and passes, "Here's your Hitai-ate." Iruka passes it to Karin and she walks back to her seat. "Finally Menma Namikaze." Menma steps up from his seat and Karin grabs his hand, "Good luck. Menma -kun." He smiles at her and walks to the front of the class. "Alright Menma you do the same as everyone else except you can do whatever type of clone you want and I will throw multiple shuriken and kunai because I know how skilled you are with them." "Hai Sensei." Menma does a Shadow Clone. He transforms into Iruka and catches most of the kunai and shuriken and dodges the rest. "Nice one Menma heres your Hitai-ate." Menma grabs his Hitai-ate from Iruka and goest back to his seat. "Alright everybody passed so I will now put you in your teams.

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