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Naruto and his squad returned from the C-ranked, turned B-ranked mission and as soon as they arrived, Naruto treated them and Sakura to BBQ. He purchased a massive Clan compound for him and Sakura. The remaining Namikaze lived in the branch houses, Naruto's plan was to repopulate the Namikaze clan and some of the branch family members were already doing that. Since Minato was the Hokage he couldn't be the clan head, so he passed it onto Naruto to be the clan head, but it didn't work how the clan used to work. Back when the clan was the most prominent in Konoha, the Namikaze clan used to use smaller clans of Konoha in terms of prominence, money and all sorts of income. This was stopped when Minato's father, or rather widely known as Shunshin no Minerta, took role as clan head. That was why he was so respected throughout Konoha, but because of earlier issues with other parts of the shinobi world, the Namikaze clan were wiped out, leaving Minato and a few branch members alive. Now that it was coming back the world is going into fear of the old revolts that the Namikaze clan did before Minerta's role as clan head. The main household was absolutely massive and was the largest mansion in Konoha. The branch family houses were the same size as regular mansions in Konoha. There were multiple training grounds in the compound and in the houses. I bought tons of furniture for all the branch houses and the main household, as well as baby clothes, i bought some for both female and male because we didn't know which it was yet. After two weeks, all the furniture was complete in both the branch family houses and main household. Since Naruto was helping with his new-coming baby and setting up a new council plan for the Namikaze clan, he didn't have the time  to make up for his team of genin, so he got Kakashi to train them if he didn't have time to train them. 

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