The Demon Brother's

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author's note
this paragraph will be shorter because I want to put them fighting Zabuza in a different chapter.
On to the story:
A few hours of walking to the village and Naruto spotted a puddle. 'Hmm it's been extremely hot for the past 2 weeks and there's a puddle? Has to be a Genjutsu.' He thought. He looks over to his team of genin and thinks, 'I wonder if they realised the Genjutsu aswell.' A few minutes passed and Naruto cast a Genjutsu over everyone there as the Demon Brothers 'supposedly' catch him and squeeze him with the chains they had so it looked like his body was cut into pieces. Ino and Sasuke looked shocked but Menma thought it over, 'How would Nii-chan be caught off guard so easily, he became chunin at 6, jonin at 7, joined the anbu black ops at 7 and became captain at the same age, surely he would've sensed them, and that puddle. This doesn't add up, the Shiroi Senkō was caught off guard that easily by a bunch of lowlife chunin, when he has complete mastery over his Sensory Abilities? Surely he would have sensed their chakra signatures? Ohh Nii-Chan let himself get caught so he could see how we fare over these guys. But no worry Nii-Chan we are more than capable of this!' Menma called to Kiba and Ino to get into a Manji formation. Ino protecting the bridge builder. Sasuke was beside Menma trying to go for the slightly shorter brother. Menma was next to Kiba going for the slightly taller brother. They all started their plan and successfully knocked the Demon Brothers out without harming the Bridge Builder. Naruto released the Genjutsu and praised them for their teamwork. Then they made their way to the docks

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