The First C-Rank

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Menma, Kiba and Ino just returned from another D-Rank mission, this was their 60th one. In Kiba's hand was a grey cat asleep. If you looked closer, you could see a seal formula on the cats forhead. All over the three genin were scratches from the cat. "Hokage-sama, Team 7 reporting from another D-Rank mission." Naruto said as Kiba looked on fustrated. "Well done Team 7. Alright, I think I have another D-Rank somewhere.." The Yondaime started. "No! Give us a C-Rank!" Kiba exclaimed before being whacked across the head by Ino. "That's the Hokage you're speaking to Kiba! Show some respect!" She hissed. "I agree with Kiba. We've been doing D-ranks all the time, I think we're ready for a C-Rank." Menma said. "Well, it's not up to me. Your Jōnin sensei is the one who contemplates if you're ready or not." Minato started. "So...Naruto, do you think your genin squad are ready for their first C-Rank?" Minato asked as Naruto mentally groaned. "Uhh, Yeah. I think they're ready for their first C-Rank mission Hokage-sama." Naruto said as the Yondaime Hokage nodded. He flicked through papers and picked out a C-Rank mission. "Team 7's first C-Rank mission will be reclaiming the scroll of sealing from former academy teaching assisstant, Mizuki. Gather your equipment and be ready in 2 days." Minato said as he handed Naruto the scroll. "Hai Hokage-sama." Naruto said taking the scroll. He reviewed the contents while turning to his team. "Team 7, be ready in 2 days for you will be leaving the village for this. If you can't complete this C-Rank, I'm afraid you can't become the shinobi and kunoichi you truly want to be. So if you truly want to achieve your dreams of making your name a legend, you'll have to pass this C-Rank mission team. Dismissed." Naruto said disappearing in a gust of wind. Menma, Ino and Kiba then walked out the office each saluting the Hokage. As Naruto appeared at home he sensed that Sakura wasn't home. 'Huh, she might be at work, or at Kaa-chan's.' Naruto thought as he arrived at their study. He sat in the office and activated the silence seals in the room. He then proceeded to work on new seals and new varieties of the Rasengan. So far the only version he could create was the normal rasengan. He wanted to add an elemental affinity and now he had the time to do it. He then worked on what nature release would be easiest to add, since he was most familiar with lightning he'd try that first. The blonde Namikaze walked to the indoor training ground and channeled chakra in his right hand, taking the shape of a sphere, and raiton chakra in his left. "Hm. How would I do this? I just do the rasengan. Then add some nature release to it?" Naruto thought out loud as the lightning and the rasengan dissipated. He then formed another rasengan and after a few seconds he started adding raiton chakra into his rasengan. When it started to gain an electric form he stopped and ran towards a programmed AI made with Fūinjutsu. He slammed it into the AI as it started wriggling. He could sense the chakra systems being destroyed with the amount of electricity entering the body with a massive sphere of electricity around the AI. The rasengan was already an A-Ranked technique wich was based on a highly advanced level of chakra transformation, with the added nature change it could be marked as an S-Ranked Kinjutsu. "Raiton: Rasengan." The blonde said while smiling. He had finally mastered the Rasengan. Now for throwing the ball of wildly spun chakra. He formed a rasengan and applied a subtle amount of nature release to it while thowing it out of his palm. It seemingly disappeared but Naruto could sense where it was headed and eventually it landed in the AI's stomach and exploded upon impact. "Cool." Naruto said. "Now to implement it into a fight." Naruto said as he started the level 12 fighting scenario, which was the hardest level he had created. it was like fighting multiple S-Ranked shinobi in an outnumbered battle. But, Naruto was an SS-Rank shinobi, the only shinobi aside from Minato Namikaze and Kurouzu Namikaze to recieve this title, and he hadn't recieved it for nothing. He was able to use both techniques easily after a few hours and even created a Fūton: Rasenshuriken in the heat of battle. He was going for a big Raiton: Rasengan but hadn't realised he had built up Fūton chakra in his hand and unintentionally applied Fūton chakra to the Rasengan. He witnessed the swirling ball of chakra gain 4 large blades as he ran at the AI's and destroyed them all, and the training ground, with a single jutsu. That was another S-Ranked Kinjutsu. Luckily, for the indoor training ground, the room had a self-repairing seal, the whole compound did, that's why it wasn't destroyed during the Kyūbi's attack on Konoha 12 years ago. Naruto then went to the Inuzuka Clan Compound picking Kiba up, then to the Yamanaka compound to pick Ino up then finally at his parent's house to pick Menma up. When he picked all of them up he teleported everyone to training ground no. 7. "Hey guys. So, before we go on your first C-Rank. Let's have one more bell test. With that being said. You all have to come at me with the intent to kill. 3..2..1..Disperse!" Naruto exclaimed as the three genin rushed him, all going different angles looking for a blind spot. Kiba, as always, got impatient and rushed in leaving the formation they were keeping around Naruto. He tried to attack but got clumsy and left an opening. Naruto dodged and kicked Kiba back as the Inuzuka recovered and made a Kage Bunshin no Jutsu. Soon after Akamaru took the form of Kiba as they all started spinning towards Naruto. The latter just jumped out of the way of each spinning tornado and sent his own tornado towards the three, dispelling the Kage Bunshin and the henge and sending both dog and boy tumbling. "Kiba! You baka! We're supposed to work together!" Ino exclaimed as the brown haired boy got up dazed. "No worries Ino. This is to test your individual abilities, I already know you guys have incredible teamwork"Not the sharpest in the shed huh?" A voice said behind the genin. "Yo, Kakashi." Naruto said. "Hey Taichou. You're doing the bell test?" Kakashi asked. "Hai. Also stop calling me 'Taichou'. I'm not an ANBU anymore, I'm a Jōnin. So, do you wanna join?" Naruto asked. "Hai Senpai. So will I be taking a bell or trying to stop them from getting it?" Kakashi asked. "You're trying to get the bell." Naruto answered. "Hai." Kakashi answered as he got into a fighting stance. "Alright Team. Now you have Kakashi helping you get a bell. Do your best!" Naruto said as he threw several three-pronged kunai with a seal array on them. Kakashi, Menma and Kiba rushed towards Naruto all throwing different strikes towards the blonde shinobi who dodged and blocked all three of them while countering each and every one. Naruto then formed a rasengan in his hand while applying some raiton chakra into it and threw it at Kakashi's abdomen. The latter was then flown into the trees and Naruto continued to dodge Menma and Kiba's strikes effortlessly. Menma then jumped back as he and Kiba started going through hand signs. Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu!" Kiba exclaimed as Menma finished his hand signs. "Fūton: Reppūshō!" Menma called out as Kakashi looked shocked at the collaboration jutsu. 'Two genin being able to use elemental jutsu?! And a collaboration on top of that! Senpai must have worked them hard.' Kakashi thought as he ran through his own hand signs. Both jutsu clashed with each other, the wind powering the fireball's speed, size and power. Naruto held a half tiger seal. "Fūka Hōin!" Naruto seal as a seal array stopped the fireball in mid air and sealed the flames away. The formulae then went away as fast as it came while Menma and Kiba looked shocked to see their collaboration jutsu was defeated with a seal. Menma got over the shock quickly as he created a shadow clone and charged up a rasengan. Kiba started going through hand signs as a shadow clone appeared. Akamaru turned into Kiba as they started spinning and Menma rushed towards Naruto. The latter simply dodged the three spinning tornadoes and looked shocked at the rasengan. He was about to dodge before realising he couldn't move. He was bound to a pole? 'I'm in a genjutsu? Huh. Well done guys. You really have improved.' Naruto thought while dispelling the genjutsu seeing a Raikiri in front of his face. Time slowed down as the blonde reacted quickly and grabbed Kakashi by the wrist. He threw him towards a tree and watched as Kakashi drew a hole in the large oak tree. He saw all three genin rushing him. Menma and Ino threw kunai towards the Namikaze as he caught all 6 in mid air and threw them back. Menma then unsheathed a white chakra sabre (Which was a gift from Kakashi) and clashed all 6 kunai that were coming for the genin. The whiskered prodigy then rushed Naruto channeling chakra into the tanto. He jumped up into the air and slashed down towards Naruto with Kiba and Ino slashing their kunai towards Naruto. Naruto merely dodged their attacks and kicked all three away. Menma regained his composure and landed on his feet while skidding back as the other two were sent tumbling into the forest. Menma then rushed at Naruto, all the genin with Kakashi appearing. Naruto dodged all strikes sent his way and blew them away with his chakra alone, though Kakashi stayed put. Said Jónin took Naruto on a one on one as the genin recovered. Sounds of metal clashing and jutsu being thrown attacked the surrounding area as the three genin just watched the two veteran shinobi spar. After a 20 minutes, the cyclops Jónin began to tire, as shown from the flux in movement. They continued sparring for an added 20 minutes bedore the silver-haired man decided to go for one last jutsu. "Senpai, how about one last jutsu to decide the winner?" Kakashi asked panting. Naruto however looked completely unharmed. "Hai. One final jutsu." Naruto said while speeding through hand signs. 'Jinton: Senkô no Mundryôku-ka no Jutsu!' Naruto mentally exclaimed after finishing his hundredth hand seal. Just as the Namikaze finished, he noticed Kakashi rushing towards him, Raikiri in hand and headband up revealing the famed Sharingan. Suddenly Naruto flashed around the field, leaving after-images that appeared to look like regular bunshin surrounding Kakashi. Said Jónin tried piercing the Raikiri into the stomach of Naruto, but realized he stabbed air, so it seems even the Sharingan can't follow the Nidaime Kiiroi Senkô. Suddenly darkness succumbed him and the silver-haired man fell to the floor, unconscious. 'Wow sensei/nii-sama is so strong.' All the genin thought simultaneously.

2 Days Later- Village Gates-

"Okay guys, are you all packed?" Naruto asked. "Hai sensei!" Was Team 7's screeching reply. The former then nodded. "Then let's go." Naruto said as Team 7 walked into the forest.

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