Training Day p1

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3rd person POV:
"Alright guys, our encounter with Zabuza has shown me what you need to work on and what I need to teach you. First of all Menma I will be training you and helping you unlock your 1 tomoe Whirlpegan. Also I will give you the Uzumaki animal summons, which is the White Tiger Clan. Kiba I will be teaching you the Doton: Shinjū Zanshu no Jutsu, other C and D rank Earth jutsus, and I'll give you a summoning which will be perfect for you. Ino I can help you with more medical ninjutsu and a step further into the mind transfer technique. But first we'll do a chakra control exersice first then we'll find out what chakra affinity you guys have. For today though we'll rest. Tomorrow training starts." "Hai Sensei!" Everyone shouted. Timeskip to the next day. The next day Menma was the first to wake up. He sensed Ino waking up and greeted her since they shared a room. It was Ino and Menma sharing and Naruto and Kiba sharing. "Morning Ino how are you?" 'Oh my kami!! Menma-kun's talking to me!!!' "I'm alright Menma-kun." "Alright well how much do you think this training will do for us?" Menma asked. "I guess it will help us against whoever is in charge of this." Menma nodded and went to do his morning routine. Once he was done he made his way downstairs to find everyone waiting for him there. Naruto lead the way to a small clearing in the forest. There they started the chakra control exercise. "Alright team. This exercise is a tree climbing exercise and a water walking exercise. Then after you're finished I will give you some litmus paper and you pour chakra into it to see what chakra affinity you guys have." Naruto explained

Everyone does the tree climbing exercise and passes. Then the water walking exercise and pass. Now for the chakra affinity results. Menma has Wind Release. Fire Release and Lightning Release. Kiba has Earth Release and Fire Release. Ino has Water Release and Fire Release.

"Hmm. Ok, what I expected." "Sensei could you show us your affinities?" Ino asked. "Okay." Naruto takes a litmus paper and it slices into 8 pieces. Meaning he has wind. One piece of the paper crumples meaning he has earth, another piece gets really drenched meaning he has a high water affinity. Another piece gets wrinkled a lot meaning he also has a very high lightning affinity, the 5th piece burns to an ash immediately meaning he has a affinity for fire as well. 'So he has all 5 plus an extra three?' All three of the genin thought. The sixth piece gets damp, wrinkled and sliced, meaning he has storm release then the 7th and final pieces were like blurs to the genin's eyes. "Sensei? What's the seventh and eighth ones?" Kiba asked. "That's my Jinton Kekkai Genkai and my Taiton Kekkai Genkai. The only person to have unlocked these two in the Namikaze Clan is the Blinding Flash, Kurouzu Namikaze. My great great Grandfather. They say that his Typhoon Release was so strong it was even able to not only dwarf, but rival the Shodaime Hokage's strongest Mokuton jutsu he used. I'm the second person in the Namikaze Clan to have these Gekkai Genkai's. Everyone looked shocked. Naruto made 3 shadow clones. 1 each for a pupil.

With Kiba:
"So Kiba one of these jutsus are one that I made on my own. Even your sister, Hana, doesn't know this. The only way to do this jutsu is to have good breathe control since your going to be underground. Now, mind you, this jutsu isn't like a normal headhunter jutsu, it's much stronger because you're mixing this with your fire affinity. You can put over a platoon of enemies underground with this. First of all you need to know how the normal doton: shinjū zanshu no jutsu jutsu works, you use your chakra to slip into the ground and pull your opponents into the ground with your hands. Second of all, you need to slip into the ground, you don't jump into it. Third and final step, when pouring chakra into your feet, make sure to keep all of your body contained underground. Mind you, this won't be easy to do. You need to be able to hold your breath for a long time if you want to do this." Teaches Kiba all the earth jutsus. "Now for the summoning. I will give you the Hawk summoning. This isn't a natural hawk though. It can do all the ninjutsu you can do, but without hand signs. Your familiar hawk can also give you some hawk abilities like flight, increased vision, increased sensing abilities and much more. This is called sage mode. I'll give you a demonstration." Naruto does a few hand signs and shouts, "Kuchiyose no Jutsu!" His hands slam on the ground and smoke appears. When the smoke dissipitates two elderley looking hawks were hovering above the ground staring at Kiba. "Naruto-sama. Is this the apprentice you were talking about?" One of the toads asked. "Hai. This is Kiba Inuzuka Geroii-Sama. Have you brought the contract scroll?" Naruto asked. "Hai. Here ya go Kiba-boy." Geroii said while handing the scroll to Kiba. "What do I do sensei?" Kiba asked. "Bite whatever hand you want to use then when you draw blood, write your full name and your finger print on there. After that do these hand seals which are the Boar → Dog → Bird → Monkey and Ram hand seals, when you've done all that, summon a hawk." Naruto explained while showing Kiba the hand seals. "Pour too much chakra into it and you'll summon the boss hawk, pour too little and you'll summon a baby chick. You need the right amount of chakra." Kiba did the hand seals and slammed his hands down on the floor while shouting, "Kuchiyose no jutsu!" When the smoke cleared, there stood a baby chick with a worm in it's mouth. Naruto sweat dropped and sent the chick back to where it came from. "Try again, Kiba." Naruto said. "Hai, sensei." He did the same procedure and this time he summoned an egg. Naruto sweat dropped again and said, "I think i know what the problem is here. No wonder you were the dead last of your class. Your chakra system isn't shifting. Your not using enough chakra. Try to imply more chakra." Naruto explained. "Hai." Kiba replied. He followed the same procedure again and slammed his hands on the floor. There was a small hawk that appeared after the smoke cleared and Naruto sighed. 'Seems like the only way to help him, is to put him in danger.' Naruto thought. Suddenly Naruto did a half ram seal and half the ground was destroyed. Kiba fell down the hole while Naruto was kneeling over the edge. "Sensei!! Help!!" Kiba shouted. "Use your summon!" Naruto replied. "Sadistic bitch." Kiba muttered. He saw he was nearing the bottom of the hole. "I'm definetely gonna die if I don't do this." He looked up to see that his sensei and the old hawks weren't even there! He quickly ran through the set of hand seals and tried as hard as he could to summon the boss hawk. A massive cloud of smoke appeared which raised Kiba's spirits a bit and when the smoke cleared he saw he was on top of the boss Hawk's back, and to say it was HUGE! Was an understatement. The giant hawk grunted and tried to sense Naruto's chakra signature. When he did sense it he was surprised to see that it was on top of the hole. "Who the hell summoned me?" The large booming voice of the hawk literally shook the walls of the hole. "Um..M-me." A small voice called out from behind the hawk. He stretched out his senses to see that it was a literal child. "Are you Naruto's student?" The hawk asked. "H-hai. C-Could you get us out of this hole?" The tiny frail voice asked. "Yosh." The hawk answered before flying to the surface. They landed next to Naruto and Kiba, nauseated, walked over to Naruto, looking like he was about to puke. "S-sensei! Why did you put me in that hole!?" Kiba asked angrily. "Because, you would have gotten the right chakra to use to help yourself. You need to be ready for anything. Yo Kiroie, how are you?" Naruto asked. "I was fine before you summoned me. I'll need over 3 million worms for that." The hawk now known as Kiroie spoke. "The hell?? No?" Was Naruto's answer. "Fine. Hello, Ma, Pa." Kiroie greeted. "Hey Kiroie-kun!" Ma's greeting. "Hey Kiroie-boy." Pa's greeting. "Well, Kiba. Since you can summon the boss Hawk, try and summon your familiar." Naruto requested. "Hai sensei." Kina ran through the hand seals and shouted, Kuchiyose no Jutsu!" There was a puff of smoke and when the smoke dissipated, there stood a hawk more than half the size of Kiba. "Is this my familiar sensei?" Kiba asked looking at the hawk. "Hai, this is Kotoyoh and he will be your familiar. As soon as you merge your chakra together you will be able to do collaboration jutsu's and what-not." Naruto explained. "How do I merge my chakra with it sensei?" Kiba asked. "Pour chakra into your hand and tap it's back, as soon as you do that he will be able to do all the things a hawk summoning will do." Kiba nodded and poured chakra into his hand, then tapped the Hawk's back. As soon as the chakra was infused with the Hawk's, the said bird was flying around Kiba and landed on his shoulder. "Nice one Kiba. Let's start heading back now, it's getting late." Kiba nodded and followed his blonde haired sensei, happily skipping next to the said man, proud of his progress.

With Ino:

"Alright Ino, so this jutsu requires excellent chakra control and where to move your chakra from one place to another. This jutsu is called the chakra scalpel, whoever gets hit with this can't mould their chakra to use anything for for a few minutes." Naruto teaches it to Ino and she masters the technique. "Nice now this next jutsu is a bit harder, you will have to send chakra all throughout your body and it will continue to heal you for a certain amount of time. That time is 25 minutes." Naruto teaches her the technique and she masters it. "Now for the Mind Transfer technique. Because of your age I will teach you the Mind Manipulation Jutsu which can remove someone's memory or make them work for you. I hope it doesn't go as far to make people your slaves but you could also do that." Naruto teaches her everything he made her work on.

With Menma:
"So first of all Menma you need to unlock your Whirlpegan, who do you find interesting and maybe a love interest in your life?" "What no I mean, I have been thinking alot about Karin. I have a crush on Karin?" "Don't worry she likes you too I've seen the way she acts around you." "Really?! Aaagghhh!" Menma fell to the ground holding his eyes. "You have obtained your Whirlpegan Menma, now let's get to training!" Menma activated his Whirlpegan for Naruto to see. There was only 1 swirl and no tomoe so normally, they would have to train for at least a decade for him to fully mature his newfound Whirlpegan. But because they were half Uzumaki they could do it in a few hours with the help of kage bunshin. After a few hours of training Menma had 5 swirls and 3 tomoe in his Whirlpegan. Naruto took out a big white scroll with a spiral on it, and passed it to Menma. "This is the Uzumaki summoning scroll. Open it and bite your finger. Then when blood is dripping write your name and put blood on each one of your fingers on one hand then press down on the scroll. Write it here." Naruto was pointing to a free space after someone called Horiki Uzumaki. "To peform a summoning you have to bite your finger to use your blood, then peform Boar → Dog → Bird → Monkey and Ram hand seals. After that, use one hand and press down on the ground and apply chakra to your fingers. The white tiger you summon will be the same size as the proportion of chakra you added to your fingers. If you add too little chakra then your result will be a newborn tiger. If you add too much chakra then your result will be a massive tiger. But before we do that we have to go to the White Tiger Clan Compound so you can pick your familiar. I placed a Hiraishin seal there so we can teleport there." Menma finished writing his name, now he pressed down on the paper with blood all on the tips of his fingers. He got up and Naruto held his shoulder to teleport to the White Tiger Clan Compund.

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