Chūnin Exams Part Three- Training Trip

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As the Preliminaries were coming to an end, everyone chose their sensei's to help them in the finals. Menma, Shino, Kiba, Neji and Shikamaru were training with their families. Sasuke was training with Naruto. Karin was training with her clan and there was a new addition to the chūnin exams. Crown prince of the Yaoki clan, Iluka Yaoki has been sent to Konoha to complete his training. Today they were being given their numbers. All numbers were placed in a hat and all the said genin were standing in a line. Menma went towards the hat and picked out a number. "4." He said as he looked at the paper. "Stand next to Gekko. We have a number 4." One of the proctors said. Menma did the following and Sasuke picked a number out. "I have 2." The boy said. "Sasuke has a 2." The proctor said. Iluka walked up to the hat and pulled a numer out. "I have 1." He said. "Alright. Yaoki-san is fighting Sasuke. Go stand next to Gekko kid." The proctor said. Shikamaru then walked up to get a number of his own. He pulled it out and said, "This is such a drag. I have 7." He stood next to Iluka as the proctor told him who he was fighting. Karin then walked up to the hat to pick a number. "I have 5." She said. Gaara then walked up to the hat. "3." He said coldly. Some random girl has a 6. Temari got an 8. Shino got a 10. Kankuro got a nine and I'll make up different matches between o/c kumo opponents. "All right. We have all the numbers. We know who's fighting who. In one month you all need to be at your best. Have a good month of training and for now.....The chūnin exams are at a halt. be at your best." The Hokage announced. Suddenly three shadows appeared in front of the aspiring chūnin. A mop of blonde hair, a mop of red hair and a mop of black hair appeared and suddenly there stood, the Hokage with his wife and Shikaku Naru. "Shikamaru, come on. Let's train." Shikaku said. "Menma, Karin, let's train 'ttebane!!" Kushina exclaimed while punping a fist in the air. Suddenly, electricity cackled behind them as the galvanism started to take a human form. Instaneously, Naruto Namikaze stood there with another kid with blonde hair looking identical to him. "Sasuke come with me." Naruto started. "Meet me at training ground #3 in 5 seconds." He said as he disappeared in a yellow flash with the kid following suite. Sasuke gave a sharp nod before disappearing in a burst of speed.

Namikaze Training Ground Sasuke POV-

I appeared beside Naruto-sensei and the kid via an improved version of the shunshin no jutsu. "Nice one Sasuke. Now we need to implement that into your fighting. But first. Let's see what your nature transformatioms are." Sensei stated while handing me some chakra paper. I poured my chakra through it to reveale half of the paper burning to an ash and the other half wrinkling with electricity zapping around. "Lightning and Fire. I figured it was that." Sensei said. I gave a proud smile and asked the question that was bugging me. "Sensei? Who is this?" I asked finally. "Oh him? This is my younger cousin. And your sparring partner." Sensei explained while writing in his fūinjutsu book. "But he looks about 4." I replied. "That doesn't matter. I reckon you'll beat him only once times in 8 spars." Sensei replied without looking away from his book. I gave a short glance to the kid who gave me a stare back. "All right. If you say so. But I shouldn't go too hard on him." I said. Then Naruto-sensei gave me a hard stare. "No. You will try your hardest if you want even a chance at beating this kid. Because if you don't, well you'll be utterly humiliated by losing to a 4 year old so easily. All right Satumo, you ready?" He said while bending down to Satumo's size. "Hai, nii-chan! Can I have some of your pie after this?" The kid asked. Typical. I don't see why I should go so hard on him, but. Whatever. If sensei says he's strong, then he's clearly someone to admire. "Haha. yeah, sure Satumo. All right. This test will last until the evening. Once the bell rings, stop and come find me in the Namikaze compound with some food prepared for you guys. Follow me." He explained while leading us to some kind of obstacle course. "The first one to get those two bells over there wins. This is purely a test on intelligence, reaction time and speed. Get ready.....Go!" Sensei shouted before appearing on top of a tree. Sasuke and Satumo ran into different entry's of the pyramid like building. Sasuke eyed the bells as he continued running. Out of nowhere, a zap of electricity hit the floor next to him. He looked up to find a statue holding up a half ram sign, then suddenly it came to life. Sasuke tried to move, but it felt like he was falling. He looked around to see the statue nearing him. "What's going on?" He said out loud. He looked down then back up and activated his sharingan. He had control over his body again as he held up a tiger hand sign, 'Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu!' Sasuke said mentally as he blew a massive ball of fire towards the statue. It just kept running and eventually it was hit by the fire, destroying itself in the process. Sasuke kept running towards the bells but was stopped by a holographic battle. It was one boy against multiple amounts of shinobi. He tried to keep moving but he couldn't control his muscles. "Watch the video if you want to beat Satumo-kun." A deep voice said. I kept watching as the boy continuosly killed several of these shinobi. 'Is this Satumo? No....It can't be. This kid is much taller. And I don't think Satumo has been out of the village before. Plus, he's wearing anbu gear and Satumo isn't in the anbu so it can't be him. So who is this?' Sasuke thought. Suddenly three names appeared. "Naruto Namikaze" Was one of them. "Minato Namikaze" Was another. "Riyuu Namikaze" Was the last. "Minato Namikaze, Yondaime-sama. It can't have been him, he's never been in the anbu before. Riyuu Namikaze went crazy and killed off the branch family of the Namikaze Clan and he was never highly recognised in anbu either. That leaves. Naruto-sensei." Sasuke said while tapping Naruto's name.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2022 ⏰

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