The Great Menma Bridge

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For the rest of the day Naruto and Menma just worked on sage mode and gathering the right amount of chakra to summon a big or small animal, as well as the White Tiger elders.

Naruto POV:
A week had passed since that 'hunter nin' had taken Zabuza away. We were all on our way to the bridge guarding Tazuna. When we arrived all the builders were laying down on the floor dead. I sensed Zabuza and the fake hunter nin in a tree waiting to ambush us. I acted like we couldn't see them then when they jumped down, Zabuza tried to stab us with his executioner blade. I removed part of my body so it looked like he went through me.
After fighting:
"What the heck kind of jutsu was that?!" Kiba shouted. "I can remove part of my body or all of my body. It's an illusion technique so it looks as if an attack went through me. You can peform the jutsu with a Whirlpegan. You could also peform it with Kamui" "What's kamui Sensei?" Ino asked. "Kamui is a technique off of the Mangekyo Sharingan, my friend, Obito, had this technique." Naruto explained. "Now for your training Ino. You will be working on medical ninjutsu, genjutsu and an improved version of the Shintenshin no Jutsu." "How?! I thought only my clan was supposed to have that!" "Calm down Ino, it's not from your clan, I created it with my Whirlpegan but it won't be as strong as an actual clan member of the Yamanaka clan." "Ohhh, sorry." "Anyways, this is what the technique is...
After returning to Tazuna's house:

With Inari:
"You should go a little easier on Menma." I said, spooking Inari who was sitting on the balcony staring into the forest. "Shut up." I went to sit next to him. "You might think that none of us have gone through anything you have gone through, but I have fought in the 3rd great ninja war and fought the kyubi. I've seen multiple comrades die or get injured, but I don't dwell on it, those who have died wouldn't have let us mourn their death for the rest of our lives, they would've wanted us to go on and continue living our lives. Menma has gone through, relatively speaking, the same pain you have gone through. He has been shunned by the village because one of the village elders released the news about him being the jailor of the kyubi. He gets hateful stares, death threats and if nobody is with him while he's taking a walk in the village, he gets beaten. But he doesn't let that cloud his judgement on the village and he still vows to protect it by becoming the hokage." Inari looked at me in shock while I was speaking. He nodded and I asked, "What happened to your stepdad, if you don't mind me asking." "He..He was killed by G..Gato and his men, they cut his head off because he was giving the village h..h..hope." "He sounded like a good man, he would've wanted you to continue his dream and give people hope. I plan to stop all the wars and fighting and feuds in the world."
"You guys have done a lot of training over the past week. It's been a good mission, meeting new people, making new friends. However we have to return to the village." "Hai, Naruto-sensei!" They all shouted. "Arigato for you're help Naruto-sama." Tsunami and Tazuna exclaimed. "No problem." I replied. "See ya later guys!" Inari shouted enthusiastically. "Bye, Inari. Bye Tazuna-san, Tsunami-san." Ino and Menma repeated. "Well done for your manners you th-. Wait where's Kiba?!" Naruto asked, who only just realised a student has gone missing. "He was with some girls in the village last time I saw him sensei." Naruto gave out an irritated grunt and flashed into the village. The genin ran into thr village looking for both Kiba and there sensei.

With Naruto
Naruto flash stepped into the village and looked around, 'What the heck. This is so annoying, why'd that baka have to leave with some ladies when we're going back to Konoha? Sakura-chan will have my ass if i'm late, she'll be even madder because of her hormones since she's pregnant. How troublesome.' Eventually Menma and Ino caught up, "Nii-san, why'd you have to go so far?" Said a panting Menma. Naruto bent down on one knee, put 2 fingers onto the ground and closed his eyes. Then within seconds he disappeared in a yellow flash. Menma noticed the ground had a kanji in hold translating to -Hiraishin; in an instant Naruto teleported back to the seal carrying an unconscious Kiba on his back. Menma and Ino's eyes widened when they layed eyes on the unconscious Inuzuka on the Namikaze's back. "Why is he unconscious Naruto-sensei?" The platinum blonde asked in curiosity and suprise. "He was laying on the ground unconscious while people walked by. He must have fainted, since there aren't any bruises on him and there was no sign of a struggle. He's just unconscious because of the amount of girls there and from what I can infer, he was thinking pervertedly since quantity doesn't render you unconscious unless your thoughts are either perveted or fearing someone." "You got all that from his body?! No wonder you have the top scores in the world for both genin and chūnin exams." -that includes the practicals-

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