4 - Change of accommodation

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The next morning it doesn't take me long to pack up my bag. I have breakfast at the hotel and when the time comes I go down to reception and check out.

I go out to the street and Damiano is already waiting for me leaning against the wall, smoking a cigarette.

-Buongiorno bella! - he greets me as he looks at me over the top of his sunglasses.

-Buongiorno bello! - I reply back. He smiles, takes the bag from my hands and hangs it over his shoulder.

-I don't live far from here so we can go walking. -he says.

After a ten minute walk we arrived at his house. He opens the door and we go in.

It's not a huge apartment, but it's nice and cozy. It has a wooden floor and the living room is spacious, with a black velvet sofa and a zebra rug. On the opposite wall hangs a huge TV screen.

Legolas and Bidet soon appear and start rubbing against my leg.

-They like you- says Damiano bending down to stroke them.- I don't blame them... -he's kneeled at my feet, looking at me with an intense gaze.

I feel my face blushing with the situation, and he smirks as he stands up.

-Come through here, I'll show you your room. -I follow him and we enter a small hallway with a room at each end and a bathroom in the middle. The room I'll be using has a double bed and is decorated in purple tones. -Please make yourself at home and let me know if you need anything.

-Thank you again for letting me stay with you, I really appreciate it. -I try to express how thankful I am- I don't know what I'd have done without you!

-Don't mention it, it's a pleasure to have you here. -We then go back to the living room.- I have to leave in half an hour, today we have an interview and photo shoot, so I'll probably won't be back until the evening. -he says.

-OK, don't worry about me, I'll entertain myself until then. These two little fluff balls will keep me company - I reply pointing out to the cats.

-I'm sure they will! If you want to go out here's a spare set of keys -he hands them to me.- And if you need anything, here's my telephone number.

-Thank you Damiano -he winks at me. I store his number in my phone and I make a missed call- there you are, that's my number in case you need to contact me.

-Perfect! Oh, and by the way... -he continues while he saves my phone number- Tomorrow we have plans. Vic has invited us to a pool party in her house.

-You mean I'm included in the invitation? -I asked surprised.

-Of course you are! -he replies- I commented about you and the way you arrived here, and she's dying to meet you.

-Victoria DeAngelis is dying to meet me? Yeah, right... -I chuckle.

-Yes, I swear she is! -he says trying to convince me- Be prepared for all the questions, she was very interested in your ball punching technique -we both laughed. Then he looked at his watch and said- I have to go now, I'll be back as soon as possible.

-OK, have fun with the guys! -I reply. He kisses me goodbye very close to the corner of my mouth, and he leaves. "What a man...".

I then begin to plan my day out.

First of all I need to go hunting for a swimsuit for tomorrow's pool party. I leave the apartment and soon find a street full of shops. After trying out a phew I chose a leopard print bikini.

Luckily nature has been generous with me, and although I'm slim, I have curves in the right places, so I'm comfortable with anything I wear.

I spend the day out, just enjoying the city, and after I've had something to eat I go back to the apartment. I'm about to get in the shower when I receive a message:

Destination Rome - Damiano DavidWhere stories live. Discover now