8 - Misunderstandings

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The following morning Damiano was already gone when I woke up.

"How is he so silent in the mornings? I never hear him go..." I think to myself.

Damiano will be busy till the evening, so I have the day to myself.

I'm crunching on some cereals when my phone starts ringing. It's mum.

-Shit, I forgot to phone her! -I exclaim.- This is going to be a bloody long call...

I pick it up and greet my mother:

-Hi mum! How are you?

-Good morning stranger -I hear her say at the other end of the line- what are you up to?

-That's a good question... -I reply to her.- I really don't know where to start.

-Well, if it makes things easier, your cousin Carla has sent me some photos of you with a certain rockstar...

-Oh... of course, the photos. -I had forgotten about them for a moment- Yes, they took them yesterday... it turns out I'm in Rome right now.

-So you took some days off and travelled to Italy? -she asks.

-Not exactly... -I reply- Do you have time for the full story?

-I have the whole day if that's what it takes, dear... -she says, so I start from the beginning and tell her the whole story. I smooth it down in some parts so she doesn't worry too much.

-And that's about it -I finish saying half an hour later.

-Well, what can I say...? -she replies- is that Damien guy trustworthy? Rockstars can be crazy buggers...

-Damiano mum, he's name is Damiano, and yes, he's really good to me.-I reply.

-OK, that's all I need to know. If you're happy where you are then it's fine by me. -says mum- But remember you can always come back home if things go wrong.

-Yes, I know, thank you mum -After another ten minutes talking we said goodbye and we hung up.

"I guess it went better than I expected..." After the call I get dressed and ready to go out.

I start walking and I lose myself in the streets of Rome, without a fixed route, just admiring the beauty of this wonderful city. Thoughts come into my head, and I begin to think of the next step I will have to take sooner or later, because my savings won't last forever, and I'm definitely not going to live off of Damiano.

And then there's Damiano... the last few days have been a dream, but what will become of us? Is this only a summer love or will it lead to something else?

Would I want to stay in Italy if everything went wrong? I know mum has offered me to go back home, but that option really feels like failure right now.

So many questions without an answer... I guess I will have to go step by step.

The day goes by quickly, and I head back home when the sun is starting to set. Before I reach the apartment I receive a message from Damiano:

Damiano: Hi darling, I'm back home and feeling lonely...

I smile at myself and reply to him:

Me: Aww, you poor thing! I'm on my way, I've been wandering around the city all day.

Damiano: I'll be waiting for you eagerly... in the meantime, do you fancy chinese for dinner?

Me: 😂 Yes darling, chinese would be great.

Damiano: Perfect, I've been craving it all day. See you in a bit! 😘

Destination Rome - Damiano DavidWhere stories live. Discover now