The Mystery Pt.3

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A/N get ready for Scooby and announcement, I'm not a Chemistry major or know much about it but with the green goo from last episode figured out to make my own idea on stuff, like most of the chemical names in this chapter, you'll see anyways on with the story

The next day after the Hookman (as the media labeled him) attack at the school most of the public were skeptical about taking their kids to school and thinking of leaving but funny enough from what Y/N has looked up he's found more mysteries in the past 500 years. Fred has been coming up with a plan to catch the Hookman while Daphne and Shaggy have been skeptical about it but try to find evidence that points towards Mr. Wine. But Velma have had done most of her work. By time for lunch the teens meet up in the cafeteria away from people. Velma with a paper in her hand. "What all have you two found out?" Fred asks. Velma hands him the paper. "So I found out from that green goo that there was 2 harmless chemicals. Laristy and try saying this 5 times fast ryemethamjol."

A/N made up chemicals, I'm tryna get creative.

Y/N nods. "RMJ in chemist terms. RMJ is a chemical that can make a smell less hue to whatever it's on to of, giving our Hookman a glow." Y/N explains. "While the Laristy is a chemical used in those toy slimes." Velma finishes. Daphne had a face of disgust. "They put chemicals in slime?" Y/N and Velma look at Daphne. "Harmless." Y/N turns to Fred. "Any idea on how to trap that freak?" Fred looks around and see no one else. "I may have found a way to trap the thing in the gym come tonight when we stay here and bait him in the gym." Fred says. "If the trap works Daphne and I will call the police." Shaggy says. "Unmask the guy and end his terror he put us in." Daphne finishes.

Just then out of the corner if his eye Y/N see one of his Chemistry classmates walking their way. The group notices. Velma breaks through the small crowd and walks up to him. "What's up Ethan?" She asks innocently. Ethan eyes Y/N and Fred in fear then stares back at Daphne. "I found that 5 inch wire for our robotics club, we're planning on finishing it tonight but its 4-4 on whether were we finish tonight." Ethan explains. Velma looks back at the others and smiles nervously. "Sorry Ethan but we made plans tonight for Fred's little project in the football field." Velma lies. Fred started to be confused but realized why she lied. "So instead of doing a project we need to finish my next week you wanna join a project with a Jock." Ethan sneers. Velma was gonna say something but Y/N beat her to it. "His project only needs to take 5 minutes. You can do that Robot project by yourself." Y/N says bluntly. Ethan at a loss for words stammers. "A-a-alright." He says backing away and leaving the group.

"You didnt have to scare the poor guy." Daphne says lightly hitting Y/N arm. Y/N shrugged. "Wasnt trying to, am I really that intimidating?" He asks rhetorically. "Like man your decked out in all black, got rings on a shark tooth necklace and have a weird vibe to begin with." Shaggy says making the group to stare at him. "Rhetorical questions wasnt it?" He asks in shame when Y/N nods. Fred clears his throat. "Come on guys let's focus on the task here, we got one shot at this we do this imagine what'll happen next." Fred says. "Not gonna lie it seems a little fun." Daphne says."Team of delinquents." Velma "Nerd." She says pointing herself out then turns to Fred. "Jock." She turns to Daphne. "Popular girl." She looks at Y/N. "The outsider." Then they turn to Shaggy. "And.....Shaggy." she says not knowing the right word for Shaggy. "Like man what's that supposed to mean?" He asks slightly offended. "What would you call yourself Shaggy?" Velma asks. Shaggy thinks for a second and realizes what she mean. "Just....Shaggy I guess." He chuckles lightly. Fred finally gets hold of the conversation again. "Alright so we got that plan, tonight we catch the creep."


By night time the gang had stayed after school. Velma and and Fred had went to the gymnasium to finish up Fred's trap while Y/N, Daphne and Shaggy had went to the breezeway where Y/N had heard it the first time.

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