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Y/N was at home with his mother and sister Emma who was striking him with a foam sword and Y/N playing dead. "He doesn't get the chance to walk the plank." Emma blurts loudly hoping around making Leslie laugh as Y/N laid on the ground not moving. "Now we make way for Britain!" Emma yells in a cute yet bad British accent. "Aye aye Capitan!" Leslie says in between giggles. The door knocks making Leslie break her character and rush to the door. She looks out the peephole and see Fred, Daphne, Velma and Shaggy. She opens the door and welcomes them in with a smile. "Hey kids, Y/N's in the living room." Leslie tells the gang as Emma runs around singing a 'Pirate's Life' loudly making Daphne and Velma giggle. They walk in and see Y/N on the ground not moving. "Is he okay?" Fred asks sounding a little worried. Leslie still smiling waves it off but Emma answers. "He was a Scawylag and disobeyed captains orders." Emma says waving the sword around. Shaggy plays along for the bit. "Like Captain can we talk to Scallywag Y/N for a second." Shaggy asks but Emma then giggles. "You can't talk to the dead silly." Emma says innocently. "Besides he plays his part all to well." Leslie says motioning to Y/N who still hasn't moved an inch. "Well maybe this will make him." Fred says pulling out his phone and playing a video. In the video a reporter is interviewing someone. "So you mean to tell us that....?" The reporter says unsure of it. "A PIRATE ROBBED THE BANK." The person being interviewed blurted out making Y/N jump and snap his head to the gang. "Just like that he's ready." Daphne says smiling.

Episode 5: Pirated

Mystery Incorporated arrive at the Coolsville County Bank to see a crowd of reporters as big as a celebrity when they're leaving some place. Sheriff Stone is seen interview a bank teller who was ranting about the 'Pirate'. He seems Mystery Incorporated and motions the office keeping the crowd back to let them in. Once behind the police tape the reporters ask Mystery Incorporated if they know anything. Y/N motioned for the others to go ahead while he'd answer the questions. The rest of the Mystery Incorporated head to Sheriff Stone (A/N: Including Scooby, I need to make more lines for Scooby, he's literally the mascot and main character of the show). "Here Mr. Brock this is Mystery Incorporated, they are significant in the mystical beings crimes here." Sheriff Stone introduces. "I gonna go talk to the other employees." Bronson says walking off leaving the bank teller stunned. "Really kids, kids are gonna solve this." He sneered. The gang all look at each other, lean in and in sync say. "Entitled?" The bank teller doesn't hear he just tells them what happened. "I had been in a meeting with a client and had to  give him a foreclosure notice, he got upset and started spazzing out, I don't understand why, we gave him a notice, 58k isn't much." The gang leans in again and nods. "Entitled." The bank teller ignore and continues his story. "As a guard was trying to take him outside the door blow open and a pirate as tall as blondy and skinny the other." He says motioning the boys. "Red coat, nasty looking beard, he had a sword in one hand and a hook in the other." The teller describes. Velma writes it down as Fred asks more questions. "When he left did you see what kind of vehicle he got in?" Fred asks. "Some sports bike of some kind how should I know?" The teller groans. The gang look at each other. "Well I think we're done  here. We'll go ahead and look for clues." Daphne says as she and the others walk away from the obnoxious bank teller.

Fred goes inside the bank and see Sheriff Stone finish talking to security guard, Velma looking around at the doors to see what she could find, Daphne walking to the bank vault with the other security guard to see if the Pirate left anything behind, Y/N talking to the press and Shaggy and Scooby looking around for something to eat.

Bronson walks over to Fred and informs him on what he knows. "Not sure if this helps but in the last 3 days 2 banks have been hit but there was no pirate." Bronson informs. "Disabled all security feed from each bank to each camera withing a 2 mile radius." Fred groans softly. "So we all have nothing to work with." Fred groans.

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