The Mystery: Outro

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Ever since the Hookman indecent led to an unmasking the town had gotten some publicity. Fred was praised for his trap by his parents seeing as how they own a million dollar home security company, Daphne parents were still on the mend on her little trick on Hookman, Velma's parents who are tour guides were taking on wagon and started a new thing on their 'Monster Hunt' that led to their tour business being skyrocketed as they own a supernatural mysteries store and Shaggy's parents could care less while Y/N well.....

Y/N was laying in bed listening to his music and drawing him and his new friends. Fred, Daphne, Velma, Shaggy and himself. When he gets a call from Fred. Y/N answers the call.

F: Hey Y/N, you busy?

Y: No what's up?

F: Remember the old office building we hid inside when we were running from Ethan?

Y: Yeah.

F: Can you get up here, I called the others they'll be there soon.

Y: Sure but can I ask why?

F: You'll see when you get here.

Fred ends the call. Y/N sighs and takes his ear buds out. Y/N leaves his room and walks to the living room to see his mother and Emma. "Hey Mom, I'm going out." Y/N says grabbing his F/C jacket. His mothers head shoots up. "Ummm where are you going?" She asks unsure since the last time he said that he caught Ethan with a trap. "Fred wants to meet up for some reason." Y/N says as he puts his jacket on. Leslie doesn't feel safe with Y/N leaving the house by himself with what happens the past week. "Just be home for Dinner please and if theres something like that hook guy please come back straight here." Leslie says as Y/N opens the door. "No promises." Y/N says as he closes the door before his mother can say anything else. Leslie stare at the door for a moment before he daughter speaks. "Is Bubby going to be okay?" Emma asks. Leslie sighs and turns to her daughter with a smile. "Of course he will sweetheart."

Y/N walks down the street where Ethan had gave chase and down the street he could see Velma, Daphne, Shaggy and a dog. Y/N studies them as he walks up to them. Daphne and Velma both had a look of confusion on their face while Shaggy was smiling. "What's up?" Y/N asks as he walks up to them. They turn their heads to see Y/N. "The dog." Velma and Daphne say pointing at the dog. Shaggy just smiles. "A Great Dane." Y/N says pointing out the obvious but was soon surprised. "Names Scooby." The dog spoke. Y/N eyes widen at the fact theres a talking dog. Y/N turns back to the girls. "Is that....did the?" Y/N asks turning to Shaggy now. Shaggy nods. "Yeah should have seen my parents reaction to this their faces were priceless." Shaggy said with a chuckle. Y/N still unsure but not that surprised. "I mean with the fact that we got chased by Ethan who found a way to glow green and run faster who knows what's next." Y/N says.

"I already do." A voice says. The teens look around as the voice belongs to Fred. "In here." He says. The look back at the small building. Y/N walks in with the others behind him and see Fred inside as the building is now clean from dirt and debris. "Fred what's this?" Velma asks as the other look around. "Our new office." He says happily. Daphne walks to Fred. "What do you mean out new office building?" She asks. Fred then gets the other to round up. "Well the mayor came to my house and congratulated us on the Hookman case." Fred says. "Seeing as how in the past there were old crews that solved cases similar to us she offered a proposition." Fred continues. "With masked monster cases, we'll be the the first to help on these cases." Fred explains. Fred was stocked as to this but ther others. "Like whose to say there'll be more monster cases." Shaggy says. Fred smiles and hold up a file. "We already do." Fred says smugly. "Did you steal that Fred?" Daphne asks still unsure as Y/N takes the file. "Nope, Mayor handed to me in person." Fred says which makes the group still unsure. "A blob monster spotted in the park scaring couple off." Y/N says reading the file. "Police will have another file, if need background searches on suspects or when you catch the monster police will be on the scene as well." Y/N reads. "Police will have monster files as well with labeled 'Mystery Kids'. Seems the Mayor wasn't sure to name us that." Y/N says handing the file back to Fred. "I bought this building to be our base." Fred speaks. "Imagine the publicity and that's not the best part." Fred says eagerly. "We get paid as well with each case we solve. "How much?" Scooby quickly asks which makes the rest of the gang laugh except Fred who looks confused at Scooby. "I'm serious." Fred slowly comes back to reality. "Look I wouldn't ask this if I wasnt so sure." Fred says seriously. "I wanna be sure if you guys wanna do this." Y/N's the first to speak. "I'm in." Velma smiles. "I'm in." Daphne was still unsure but went with it. "Sure I guess." She says with a small chuckle. The gang turns to Shaggy and Scooby. "Do we have a choice?" Shaggy says. Fred smiles. "Great now all we need left is to fix this place up and a vehicle." Fred says. Shaggy raises his hand. "I may be able to help with that." Shaggy says. Y/N hold his hands up. "Wait before anything we should figure out a name for ourselves first." The gang freezes. Y/N is right. Fred thinks to himself for a moment. "Well we all need a name we can agree on." Fred says. Velma speaks. "None of our names then since we work as a team and theres 6 of us." Velma points out. Shaggy then becomes the first to pick out a name. "How about The Sinister 6?" Y/N facepalms. "That's from Spiderman, Shaggy." Daphne says. Y/N thinks of something that might work. "How about.......




Mystery Incorporated?"

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