Pirated Pt. 3

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Velma paced around in the waiting room, waiting for the doctors to get back with information on Y/N. So much worry in her mind. If he's out for the case, they need him, he's usually the one who figures it or helps her with most of the technical stuff. If he's out for the count, how will the team react, how will his mother react. "Ms. Dinkly." A voice says. "Mr. L/N is somewhat fine, he only has a concussion, a few bruises and a broken arm." The doctor says. "Is he awake?" Velma asks hopefully. The doctor shakes his head. "Not yet but you can go see him." The doctor says. Velma quickly grabs her things ands goes to Y/N's room. She walks in and finds him in the hospital gown sleeping with a bandage wrapped around his head and his arm in a cast. She drops her things and cries lightly. She walks over and sits next to him. She grabs his hand and pulls it to her face crying into it. Y/N's breathing softly. His messy H/C hair pulled back due to the bandages. "Y/N we need you." Velma cries.

Back in Mystery Incorporated, Fred is looking at his monitor at a video of Marcel ranting about the Pirate. "This is what happens when you let kids do something instead of authority. I don't care if the mayor gave them immunity or not they are not to step foot on any property of mine again." Brown rants to a reporter. Fred groans and turns off his monitor and looks at the remaining members of his gang. Daphne looking out the door in worry for Y/N while Shaggy and Scooby are sitting down staring at the main phone ready for Velma's call. All of them are very much worried for Y/N. A black Suburban rolls in front of the Mystery Incorporated, while infront and behind it were squad cars. Daphne backs away from the doors as soon more cars slam their brakes in front of the building. A man in a suit jacket quickly walks inside. He had a smug look on his face along with a file in his hand. Behind him walked Mayor Nettles and Sheriff Bronson. "Missing two but that will be fine." The smug man said looking at the remaining members of Mystery Inc. who were someone confused on what he was meaning and who he was. "I said it to Brown before that he will not so much as touch or sue those kids that I intend to keep." Nettles says as the man slams a file on Fred's desk. Still confused Fred grabs the file. "What's this?" The man smirks. "This is paper work for this building. It now belongs to Marcel Brown." That name made the remaining members send a glare that could kill him. Shaggy tanks the file from Fred's hand and skims it confusing his team and the other in the room. He closes the file. "I don't see the address on here." Shaggy says ripping the pages from it staple. "No address, no names, no building specifically saying your talking about ours is on here." Shaggy says ripping most of it while he sends the rest through the paper shredder. This is another side of Shaggy that the team has never seen. It was like he was dark, more serious, more edgy. "Look we can do this the easy way or the hard way." The man says, most presumably now being Marcel's lawyer. Fred stands ready to speak but Scooby barks at the man startling him enough to leave the building. Fred and Daphne are fully surprised by their actions. Shaggy and Scooby-Doo acting out, their worry making them hash out at Brown's representative and for once not talking about food. Sheriff Bronson looks at Fred and Daphne and asks. "How is he?" He asks meaning Y/N. Daphne looks back at the phone not saying a word. Nettles follows her gaze and quickly realizes that they haven't received a call yet. "Brown is trying everything to get you kids out his business." Bronson exhales taking off his hat. "I think he may know who's behind that Pirate mask." Bronson says putting his hat on the desk unbeknownst it being Y/N's. "We have so many people it could be Sheriff." Fred groans sitting in his chair. "His employees." Daphne says glumly. "The people homes he stole." Shaggy basically growls. "Even us." Scooby grumbles. Stone raises his brow at Scooby and turns his head back to Fred. I can have Sheriff department look into Brown's former and now employees and some of the people he stole his property off of." Bronson suggests. The phone rings and Daphne immediately answers putting it on speaker knowing it's Velma. "Is he okay?" Daphne asks hoping for some kind of peace. "Not yet, doctor says he has a concussion and a broken arm but it'll hopefully pass in time." Velma says he voice cracking from her crying. "Anything about the Mystery of the Pirate?" Velma asks changing the subject. "Nothing yet but we're catching him tonight and getting Brown out of Coolsville future." Fred says determined. "Keep me updated I've sent you guys some info on another one of Brown's properties that haven't been hit yet." Velma says as Fred's monitor gets a notification. "Shipyard?" He asks looking at the PDF file Velma sent. "We'll head there now. Tell us when he wakes up." Fred says grabbing the Mystery Machine keys. "Will do." Velma ends the call as the gang heads to the Mystery Machine. Mayor Nettles and Sheriff Bronson walk out with the gang. "I'll have a few of my deputies a few blocks away when you catch him." Stone says. "I'll have some people dog some dirt on Brown and his employees." Mayor Nettles says as Bronson let's her in the squad car. The four remaining members of Mystery Inc. gets inside the Mystery Machine. "No matter what happens tonight we're catching a Pirate."

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