The Werewolf Pt. 2

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Fred, Shaggy and Scooby were currently in the Mystery Incorporated building.
Ever since they cleaned the building each member had a designated area, Fred's area had mostly files and trap ideas, Daphne's area had a few makeup kits and files, Velma's area had her computer and other electronic equipment, Y/N's area is surrounded by books, files and other equipment and Shaggy and Scooby's area was just a deck for Shaggy, bed for Scooby  covered in food and a mini fridge. Fred looking at his bulletin board of the police report, a map of Coolsville with a circle around Lover's Mountain, a picture of a werewolf and a picture of the wolf claw while Scooby and Shaggy were eating breakfast built for a mountain. "Still don't see how you Shaggy eat so much and weight like 90lbs." Fred says not even looking at the duo eating. "Running from monsters usually does the trick." Shaggy chuckles. Fred then turns to the duo. "Just make sure you guys don't eat the others food." Fred says looking back at the bored. Shaggy smiles. "Well they should hurry before it gets cold." Shaggy says eating what seems to be a donut inside a ham, bacon and cheese sandwich and Scooby doing the same. The door opens and in walks Y/N, Daphne and Velma. "Guys find a werewolf?" Fred jokingly says. Y/N took that to the morning he insured. "Hmmm, wakes up earlier than usual to hear about a Werewolf, drives an hour to Lover's Mountain find a few clues then drive back here with no coffee or breakfast and no Werewolf so pretty much no." Y/N grumbles going to his area. Shaggy chuckled and threw Y/N a bag while Velma handed him a coffee. "Velma on the other hand has a picture of the Wolfs footprints and tire tracks." Y/N says grabbing the coffee from Velma. "I'll send the pics threw the printer Fred while I'm looking for the tire model." Velma says going to her desk. "We also know he has a suit with him." Daphne says sitting on her desk. Y/N leans back in his chair. "Would be a light suit to be in, from the report we got from Linda and Clive, he'd need stilts." Fred turns to Y/N. "How do you know." Y/N drinks his coffee. "When was the last time you had seen a werewolf under 7ft tall Fred." Y/N snaps. Fred hold his hand up in surprise. "Sorry Y/N." Y/N sighs as he puts his cup down and leans back in the chair again. "No I'm sorry Fred, just upset on how we had to wake up so early about this." Y/N says softly. Velma smiles and looks at Y/N. "Well you definitely aren't a morning person." Y/N glares at the brunette. "What teenager is morning person." Y/N states. Everyone turns to him. "I am." They all say in sync. Y/N grumbles. "Okay can we get back on track, we have someone posing as a werewolf, when do werewolves usually change?" Daphne asks. "At night." Fred nods. "Not only that but apparently the Chief had said they were what seems like sighting from the werewolf at Lover's Mountain." Y/N groans. "So we have a lonely Werewolf attacking couples." Y/N says. Velma holds her finger up. "Well it looks like we got a task for tonight." Says Velma happily. "We got to Lover's Mountain, Fred sets up a trap and we catch the hairy beast." Velma plans out. Everyone was on agreement. Y/N raises his hand. "I have another idea."


Late at night Y/N sits inside the Mystery Machine staring at the sunset. "It really is beautiful." A voice beside him said. Y/N nods. "Nust imagine how great the sunrise is." He says. The girl beside him stares at Y/N staring at the sunset. "Why me?" She asks. Y/N turns a little confused. "What do you mean?" He asks. "Why did you pick me to do this with?" She asks. Y/N turns back to the sunset. "Everyone deserves to see this sight."

Outside in the tree line Fred holds a rope, Shaggy and Scooby snacking on food and the other Mystery Incorporated female. "What if it doesn't show up?" The female asks. Fred smiles. "He will, think about it, a couple in a vehicle and with no one else around what loner wouldn't take this chance to attack." Fred says proudly. Shaggy turns to the duo. "Like I sure hope they're okay." Shaggy says. Fred chuckles. "Of course they will." The unknown female Mystery member in confused. "What do you mean Fred?" She asks. "Y/N is in there, I'd be scared for the wolf."

Back in the Mystery Machine, Y/N stares at the other Female Mystery member. "First time?" The female blushes and snaps her head to Y/N "Huh?" Y/N chuckles. "Up here." Y/N says realizing what he said. The female nods still blushing. "Not all guys think with wrong head." Y/N jokes turning to the sunset. The female blushes furiously at his wording. Y/N notices that its quiet. He turns to the female. "Come here." He says putting his right arm on the back of the seat. She turns to Y/N. "What?" Y/N chuckles again. "I thought you said we gotta sell the bit so come here." He says. The females blush grows and shuffles over. Once shes close Y/N wraps his right arm over her. "This feels nice." He says. The female nods not saying anything else. Y/N looks down and smiles. "Turning into a strawberry." He quips. The female looks away from Y/N. "You suggested this." He says. The female turns to Y/N. "I did, but only to catch the werewolf." She says quickly. Y/N chuckles and stares back at the sunset.

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