Pirated Pt.2

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Mystery Inc. arrive at Brown's Mining to see a busy busy mine of men lazing around and working away at the stones outside the underground mine. They exit the Mystery Machine and walk around the mine. "Seems like they're hard at work." Shaggy says as they walk to the only building, most likely Brown's office. "I thought I told you kids that I'd solve this myself." Marcel says as a few of his guards walk to them. "Mayors orders." Y/N says. "She granted us immunity to solve this case." Brown smirks. "Meaning if you so much as touch us or try to make this some kind of legal battle, you'll lose." Daphne returns the smirk. "Fine, you won't find anything here kids, besides I have to go work on the plans to return the bank to its pristine picture." Marcel says walking to his Corvette. "Tata." Fred smiles and walking in the middle of the mine. "So we have the floor now, alright gang let's go ahead and split up and search for clues, Velma and I will go ahead and talk to the miner, Y/N and Daphne you guys go ahead and search for clues in Brown's trailer, Shaggy and Scooby you guys use your sniffers and sniff out anything suspicious." Fred instructed. The team nods and goes to their duty.

Fred walks to the entrance security guard and asks him if he's seen anything suspicious. "Not really, everyone here is just happy to have a job, well most of them anyway." The guard informs. Fred furrows his brows at the sudden change. "What do you mean?" Fred asks. The guard sighs and hands him a notebook with names. "These are a few people on the work force who have had a problem with Marcel, a few of them lost their houses here cause of him while the others are being filed for bankruptcy." Fred looks at the names. It goes on for two whole pages. "There has to be at least 300 people working here." Fred exclaimed. The guard smiles. "Well if you wanna solve this thing I'd suggest you do it now." Fred takes out his phone and texts Velma.

Velma is seen talking to a few other employees who are on break. "You guys haven't found any minerals like gunpowder or anything?" Velma asks. "Only gunpowder found here will be the what we use to blow up the mines to dig further." One answers as he drinks his water. Velma's phone goes off. She checks it and see the text from Fred. Got 2 pages of people who have a problem with Brown, some either lost their homes to the mine and others are going bankrupt because of him. "Do you guys know anyone who lived here at one point that's working here?" Velma asks. One of the other miners frowns. "About everyone who works here lived here." Velma runs her chin. "What about those who are bankrupt?" Velma asks. "Every one you see out here working." The first workers says.

In the mines Scooby and Shaggy walk down the mine and sniff for clues. "You know Scoob never did I think that my nose would be disgusted." Shaggy groans. Scooby snaps his head to his owner. "Your telling me, all I can smell is dirt." Scooby complains. Shaggy then sees something shiny out the corner of his eye. He looks at it and pulls out his phone. "Rhaggy what are you doing?" Scooby questions as he unlocks it. Shaggy's phone light turns on and he shines it on the  object causing all sorts of colors to reflect off of it. "Like Scooby-Doo I think I found a diamond. An actual diamond."

Inside the trailer Y/N and Daphne looked around Marcel's office. "I did some research on my way here and apparently all the banks that were hit were owned by Marcel." Daphne points out at Y/N looks at a map in front of him. On it showed his properties Marcel owns, the mines, the banks, housings. "The only things that haven't been hit yet is the mine and the housing areas." Y/N points out as Daphne looks at a file on his desk. "Y/N look." Y/N walks over in shock. "All the places that have been hit had been insured by Marcel. Coincidence?" Y/N asks. "All except the mine." Soon shouting could be heard. Y/N and Daohne rush outside and see on a crane. The Pirate. "You all have been scammed, bamboozled, jipped by your employer Marcel Brown and now you will no longer be a slave to his work!" Pirate yells as he pulls out his pistol. He aims at a gunpowder barrel next to Y/N and Daphne at the trailer. Quickly thinking Y/N pushes Daphne away as he fires the shot at the barrel. Daphne stunned watches as the barrell explodes and Y/N launches forward away from the explosion knocking him out. The employees scatter away as the gang rush to Y/N. The pirate cackles and shoot another barrel at the mine making in collapse and another near the entrance. Pirate hops off the crane and walks up to the gang. "If you hate Brown as much as I do you'll stay out of my way." Pirate says as he lights a smoke bomb. Once it's over the smoke clears and Pirate is no longer there. Sirens of Police and ambulance is heard and seen as they arrive at the scene to see the destruction of the mine. Stone exits his vehicle and rushes to the teens. "Where did he go?" Stone asks ready for chase but notices the bomb on the ground. "We missed him." Paramedics arrive and tend to Y/N who's head was in Daphne's lap with a gash on his forehead and blood slowly pouring down. The sound of Marcel's Corvette can be heard as it rushes down to area. Marcel exists his vehicle. "And you said your team would solve this." Marcel sneers. "Funny how you arrived as Pirate left." Velma seethed ignoring his quip and worrying about Y/N.

The paramedics put Y/N in a gurney and drive off to the hospital while the others stay behind. "Y/N and I found a file in his office, all the buildings Marcel owns have been insured." Daphne points but Fred is reading the room and they're all worried for Y/N. "Velma go see Y/N at the hospital." Fred said trying to stay calm but Fred is the first to notice how Brown had arrived almost as if they're playing in his hand. Fred pushes his way through the crowd and grabs Brown by his shirt and push him against the car. "What is your plan Marcel huh?! Get us out on by one you son of a bitch!" Fred seethed in so much anger but you could still hardly understand what he was saying. He was fuming with anger while Marcel smirked. "Should have let me handle this myself then your little friend wouldn't be hurt." Feeling the room Bronson pried Fred from Marcel. "It'll be best if you kids go back to your base." Bronson said mainly to Fred. Still angry but ready to comply Fred and the rest of the gang goes to the Mystery Machine.

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