Killer Queen pt.1

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We see Y/N walking down the hall heading to his locker. It was a regular Tuesday morning for school. Some students ready for class, some ready for school to end, some ready for the weekend some just not wanting to be there. The gang just wrapped up a new case of a weird man in a blue gorilla suit robbing banks. The usual of after solving the case news crew arriving asking questions and most of the family upset at them. Y/N being himself always answered with, "there are other ways to get what they want" but Y/N didn't care what they wanted.

Y/N reaches his locker and sees a note on the inside. "Meet me near the breezeway after school." He read. Y/N closes his it and looks around most students either smiling at him, mainly the girls and other either frowning or ignoring, mainly the guys. Y/N quickly thinks of who it could be. Could be Fred needing his opinion on a new trap, could be Daphne asking him advise, could be Velma needing a little help for a school project or Shaggy who just wants to hang out.

Y/N pushes the thoughts away by looking back at the note. "Hey Y/N." A booming voice says. Y/N looks over and sees Fred and Daphne making their way to him. "Whats that you got?" Fred asks. Y/N doesn't say anything and hands the note back to Fred still sporting the polo and ascot. Thankfully in different clothing, Daphne wearing a similar purple dress only this one had a Mystery Inc. logo. Y/N clothes were somewhat similar wearing a black tank top ripped at the end with a few holes, a white jacket over it, ripped blue jeans he also wears a necklace with two fake dog tags, signature ring on his pinky and middle finger but he also had two black stones earrings and his hair still messy covering his eyes. (IN THE PHOTO, DON'T LIKE IT DEAL WITH IT!!!)

"Meet me near the breezeway after school." Fred reads. "Sounds like you got a love letter." Fred says handing it back. "A what?!" Daphne asks loudly catching the attention of a few students. "Calm down Daph, I may not even go." Y/N says getting ready to head to class. "Why not?" Fred asks. "Maybe it's for the best." Daphne says silently trying to hide her jealousy. "I'm not sure I want a relationship anymore." Y/N says leaning against his locker. Daphne and Fred are shocked, mostly Daphne. "Why are you not sure?" Daohne asks. Y/N turns to the redhead. "Remember those bad memories, one of the reasons." Y/N leaning his head now on the locker closing his eyes. "Give it a shot, times are different now." Fred says patting Y/N on his shoulder. Y/N looks at the blonde haired boy knowing he won't stop till he says yes, that includes if he gets Shaggy on the bandwagon. "Fine." Y/N huffs as Daphne looks defeated. "If something goes wrong I'm blaming you." Y/N says now heading for class.

After school is released student leave going home or their extracurricular activities. Y/N walks to the breezeway and sees no one around. Its empty, no students no staff. Y/N waits anyway waiting to see if anyone shows. After about 10 minutes Y/N grabs his backpack. "Knew it would happen." Y/N says to himself as he leaves. "Y/N~." A soft feminine voice calls out. Y/N stops in his tracks and looks around. Y/N walks around looking for the voice. "Over here~." The voice says. Y/N follows the voice to the opening of the breezeway. Once he gets there he sees nothing. Above him we see a female figure on the wall staring at the boy. "Look up." Y/N slowly looks up and see a ghostly female with pale white skin decaying in a white dress. Y/N walks backwards away from the female. "What the hell are you?" Y/N asks gripping his backpack still walking away. The female leap's of the wall and slowly walks to the boy. "I'm your Killer Queen." The female says.

Mysteries ep.3: Killer Queen

Killer Queen walks to Y/N who is still backing away. "Don't you understand we're supposed to be together." Killer Queen says with a terrifying smile. "Be mine." She says. Y/N trips off a sidewalk and hits the ground as Killer Queen makes her way to him. Y/N throws his bag at her and back away as she stumbles from the hit. Soon a car pulls up showing Daphne and another woman inside. "Y/N get it." Daphne yells. Y/N gets off the ground and hops in the car (convertible) that now drives off. Killer Queen growls and floats after the car. "She's chasing us Daisy." Daphne yells as Killer Queen gains up on the car. Y/N ducks as she swipes at him. Daphne quickly thinking grabs her makeup mirror and uses the sunlight and blinds Killer Queen. Killer Queen falls behind as the driver takes a quick turn and goes onto the highway. Killer Queen rubs her eyes and looks around for the her 'lover' only to see he's gone. Angered she screams out.

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