Chapter 17

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John p.o.v

We have been running all night in our human forms everyone is getting exhausted we just finished having a quick rest then Damon and Azrael start to argue.

Damon - who knew vampires could run so fast.

Azrael - everyone knows dumass.

Damon - fuck you Azrael.

Azrael - bite me asswipe.

Leo interrupts their argument before it gets more heated.

Leo - enough you two we don't have time for you to argue all-day we are looking for my sister, your luna princess remember?

They both hang their heads down in shame.

Leo - now pack it in, and one more thing this stupid rivalry has to end so either end it now or I will.

Damon - but he started it.....

Azrael - me?! You cheated on our Raven.....

Leo - enough!!!

By this time the group have stopped we don't have time for this crap so I decided to speak up.

John - guys we don't have time for this shit we have to find Talia before anything happens to her.

The girls backed me up.

Rosie - he's right guys come on.

Skylar - guys act your god dam ages you are behaving like newborn pups.

Ruby - they are right Damon.

Raven - please Azrael I am getting sick of this, yes what Damon and Ruby did was bad but I have forgiven them for it. And if I am being honest I felt more of a pull to you so please stop.

Azrael sighs then smiles at Raven and walks towards her while Ruby goes over to Damon which makes him bury his face into her neck.

Azrael - ok for you I will.

Azrael takes her in his arms just then ghost picks up the scent of someone nearby.

John - guys someone is here.

Everyone goes into defensive mode causing us to stand together some brushes start to rattle then something steps out and shocks me.

John - how.......what.......

Tons of emotions are running through my body right now I don't even hear the others talking beside me.

Skylar - I thought all the albino wolves from the Red eyes pack were all wiped out a plague.

Is that what they are telling people? A fucking plague!?

John - it wasn't a plague.

I can feel their eyes on me but mine are on this wolf who is this wolf anyway?

Leo - what do you make John?

John - it was the vampires

Cole - how do you know that?

At this time the wolf has gone behind a tree and we hear the sound of it shifting back to everyone's shock the wolf is none other than.......

Rosie - you're the rogue king?

Sebastian - yeah that's me.

Leo puts Rosie behind him as Sebastian steps closer to us.

Leo - why are you here? And why are you following us?

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