Chapter 23

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John p.o.v

It took us all night to get through a dense forest till we made it out to see the mansion that Selena told us about.

There are no vampires around cuz of the daylight however their scent is still around so they must have been on patrol before the dawn

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There are no vampires around cuz of the daylight however their scent is still around so they must have been on patrol before the dawn. Using the binoculars I can see that nearly all the windows are covered by black paint so we can't see inside, Leo gets my attention by pointing at one of the windows it is different from the rest.

Leo - that window is different, it has bars on the outside.

John - that must be where talia is.

We both look at each other than nod we fall back to the others who were waiting in the tree line for us they see us coming and stand up Leo explains to everyone what we saw with the windows.

Damon - it's not much to go on.

Leo - I know that Damon.

Damon - so what now?

Azrael - if you would shut up for a minute then we could think something.

Damon growls at Azrael.

Leo - enough you two any more of it and I will send you back home.

They both hang their heads down.

Leo looks to Selena who along with her vampires are hiding in the shade away from the sun.

Leo - Selena what can you tell us about the inside and security.

Selena - from what I remember from living there the main entrance has cameras as well as the back, almost all the halls do as well, guards roam around the house during the day as well as the grounds at night but there is one spot where there are no cameras that's the door on the rooftop. Oh yeah, I almost forgot the basement.

John - what about it?

Selena - before I left I found out about it that's where his sex dungeon is and trust me that's not where you girls want to go.

Ruby - what do you mean?

Selena - without sugar-coating it, that's where his men rape, abuse and basically torture women.

That made Ghost and all the guys growl while the girls gasp in horror Cole speaks up first.

Cole - Leo I dunno what you are planning but there is no way Skylar is going in there.

Damon and Azrael agree with him and surprisingly so did Sebastian.

Damon - either is Ruby.

Azrael - or Raven.

Sebastian - Morgan isn't either.

Even tho it would keep the girls safe they wouldn't have any of it, Skylar was the first to speak up and voice her objection.

Skylar - excuse me Mr Millar but in case you have forgotten but both my parents are Beta's of the pack.

Then came Ruby's and Ravens.

Ruby - and I am the daughter of the pack's Delta's.

Raven - and I am one of the daughters of the Alpha king and Luna Queen.

Finally, Morgan made hers known then Rosie finished off.

Morgan - well I am one of three powerful tribrids.

Rosie - so we wouldn't be sitting here singing old nursery rhymes forget it we are going in there as a team or we don't go in at all.

The girls are all standing there with their hands on their hips the guys are hesitant but soon agreed to let the girls come in with us but they will stay close. We set to work on a plan, Ghost is restless our mate is so close but we can't just break down the door and charge in the vampires would probably kill her before we found her so we have to be smart about this its snowing heavily so that might help us out while planning Morgan gets a chill down her spine and shivers.

Sebastian - you cold?

Morgan - no it's not that it's something else, Axel can you feel it?

Axel - yes I can feel it.

All of us look at each other with a confused look I catch Damon shrugging his shoulders.

John - what's going on guys?

Morgan - there is a problem and it's a big one.

Raven - how big? Will it stop us from saving Talia.

Talia. Even the mention of her name makes myself and Ghost wish we could just go in there and save her but it is too dangerous the now.

Axel - very big.

Morgan - Selena does Victor know Fabian?

Who? We all look to Selena who nods yes.

Selena - yes he does and he has him working for him.

John - can someone explain what the hell they are talking about?

I am starting to get agitated with all this, Morgan sighs before answering me.

Morgan - Fabian is the worlds most powerful wizard. We can feel his power and if me or Axel use any spells Fabian will know so this mission has gotten more dangerous than before.

Great (!) Just fucking great (!) This is going to be one long night suddenly the scent of Toffee and chocolate cones through a light cold breeze.


Talia p.o.v

Sleep didn't come easy that night, my wrists are so sore good thing the cuffs aren't silver I was so thirsty, my eyes were all red and puffy from crying all night not to mention it is cold as fuck in here since the window was open all night and is still snowing outside. The only light in the room is from the open window and just after noon, the door opens up to I start to panic thinking it's Victor but I am relieved to see that it's Jasmine.

Jasmine - oh my god Talia!!!

She rushes over to the bed to see my wrists are in handcuffs.

Jasmine - hold still I will get you out.

She puts her hand on the cuffs and says.

Jasmine - Odblokuj ten zamek

There is light then the cuffs unhinge and I sky up rubbing my sore wrists cuz my mouth is so dry I can only get out the word.

Talia - water.........

Jasmine gets me a cup of water and hands it to me so I can finally take a drink.

Jasmine - I am sorry I couldn't come up sooner Victor banned all help from this floor all day I just only got up here.

Before I could say anything there is suddenly a little breeze with the scent of apples and cinnamon.

Talia - John......

I weakly stand up and almost lose my balance luckily Jasmine is quick to catch me.

Jasmine - talia what's wrong? You shouldn't be standing up yet.

Talia - take me to the window.

She hesitates but soon agrees and takes me over to the window once there I graze out of the window I take a breath getting another faint scent of apples and cinnamon. 

Jasmine - Talia what it is?

Talia - my mate, he's come.

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