Chapter 18

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Talia p.o.v

(Trigger warning +18, am sorry)

I am shocked, to say the least when Jasmine explains everything to me from how things are run here to what she overhead with Victor and his second in command. Safe to say my throat felt like I wanted to throw up at the things these vampires do to the women down here. Our conversation got interrupted by the door opening the girls all back up into each corner of their cells in walks a couple of vampires servants with trays in their hands, one by one the cells doors opened and they place the trays on the floor in front of the girls who tremble. A tray is set down in front of me the vampire servant gives me a sad look then quickly leaves my cell when the vampire servants leave and the door shuts I look at the tray it's only a chunk of bread, an apple and a glass of water I turn my face away from it.

Jasmine - you should eat Talia.

Talia - why?

We are sitting on each side of the wall.

Jasmine - you will need energy if you are to escape from here. Eat.

I roll my eyes picking up the tray I start to eat.

Talia - I told you already I am not going anywhere without you and the other girls down here.

Jasmine - talia must of our homes and family were wiped out when the vampires attacked us. They even attack their kind see that she-vampire over there.

I look to where she is looking to see a she-vampire but she didn't look like what a vampire should.

Talia - what happened to her?

Jasmine - she's a high ranked vampire, her family was part of the court that is until her grandfather pissed off the King and he had all the clan massacred well apart from her of course, he's been torturing her ever since as his men they have been raping her and injecting her with an ultraviolet liquid.

Talia - that's horrible no wonder she looks like that but doesn't ultraviolet liquid kill?

Jasmine - a lethal dose can be yes but a very small dose can only weaken.

Talia - poor thing. How can we get out of here anyway?

Before she could answer the door swings open again this time Victor walks in with the two vampires from before he comes over to my cell door he looks at me then at Jasmine.

Victor - I see you have made a friend all ready.

Talia - what do you want Victor?

Victor - you, you are my mate.

Talia - I am not your mate Victor. I have a mate and it's not you.

Victor smirks.

Victor - I will be when I mark you.

Talia - this won't be the first time that you have done something like this is it, Victor?

Oh fuck I shouldn't have said that but I don't get time to say anything else as my cell door swings open and he roughly grabs my throat pinning me against the wall Jasmine tries to defend me.

Jasmine - please sir she didn't mean it.

One of the vampires go into her cell and slaps her across her face, Jasmine yelps.

Talia - leave her alone.

Victor looks between us then a huge smirk comes across his face.

Victor - bring them both to the chamber.

He lets go of my throat and walks out the two vampires unchain our chains from the wall they pull us along like dogs on a leash. We are pulled along a hallway then into a room that I don't like the look of, in the middle of the room there is a stone table I am chained to the wall once more as Jasmine is tied face down onto the table. Her clothes are ripped off my eyes go to Victor who is now sitting on a goddam throne is he really gonna watch? Fucking pig. She looks to me and mouths "don't look" with tears in her eyes like she knows what is coming. 4 vampires cone into the room and start to touch her body she whimpers at their touch causing me to growl at them.

Talia - no don't touch her!!

They just ignore me and continue their groping I may not have known her long but no one deserves this to happen to them. One goes behind her taking off his pants I finally understand what they are gonna do to her I try to mind link Ice.

(Talia - Ice are you there?

She's so weak as she answers.

Ice - yes I am here.

Talia - what do we do I can't let them do this to her.

Ice - the silver has weakened me I can't shift but our ice powers may help.

Talia - but I can't use them until I am mated.

Ice - we both know that's crap we are special Talia we used it already.

Talia - oh that.

Ice - I am with you on this talia just.......)

She is cut off by the sound of Jasmine's screams my eyes fill with water as I see her getting pounded by the vampire I try to look away but a guard grabs my face making me watch I could feel my blood going ice cold I had ever used my ice powers once before when a bully was picking on Raven. Tears were running down Jasmine's face I couldn't take it anymore and screamed at them to stop ice shreds flow out of my hand hitting the vampire that was raping her in his hell hole heart causing him to fall back onto the ground. The other vampires were all in shock and didn't know what just happened except for Victor that is who's sitting there smirking at me.

Victor - take my mate back to her cell, punish the other one and make it hurt.

After unchaining me they start to drag me back to the cell I tried to struggle and help Jasmine but once they had shut the door her screaming started back up again. My chain was tied up onto the wall in the cell again I didn't know what was going to happen to me now but I know one way or other I will get out of here and get back to John and my family. Where are you, John? Please find me.

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