Chapter 25

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Talia p.o.v

I was in complete darkness my whole body felt like it was on fire even Ice was howling in pain, it felt like I was thrown into a volcano. I suddenly heard a voice but I couldn't make out who it was then as if the rain started to fall on me I starting cooling down the darkness even got brighter. Opening my eyes up I found I was in a room, a hospital room in fact. I slowly sit up as I feel a hand on mine so I look down to see John sleeping with his head on my lap with his hand holding mine using my other hand I run it through his hair which causes him to stir and wake up.

John - Talia?

When he lifts his face I can see his eyes are all red and puffy.

Talia - hey, why are your eyes red and puffy?

He lets out a deep sigh before he answers me.

John - you might hate me for this but, check your neck.

Talia - My neck?......

That's when I suddenly remember what happened and quickly reach for my neck feeling for where Victor bite me but to my surprise, I feel a different mark.

Talia - you marked me?

John nods yes.

John - yeah I did, can I explain why I did it?

I do want to know why but before he could answer the door opens and in walks my family.

Raven - Talia you're awake!!

Raven rushes over to me and gently pulls me into a hug, then Leo did the same, John stand up stepping back so my parents could hug me too.

Scarlett - oh my baby how are you feeling?

Talia - actually not bad, how long was I out?

Blake - two days princess.

Two days?! I was out for two days there are a lot of questions that need to be answered.

Talia - what happened? I remember Victor biting me then I blacked out.

Leo - John didn't you tell her yet?

John comes back to the bed and stands next to Leo why is he acting this way for? Mum speaks up before he could say anything first.

Scarlett - You have been through a lot the past few days talia don't you wanna rest a little more first.

I have my head no then look to John.

Talia - I am ok mum I just wanna know what happened after I blacked out and why I have a mark on my neck.

John -  well it's like this talia, after I heard you scream I burst into the room you were in when I saw the position you were in both me and Ghost went mad. I killed Victor by ripping out his throat and when you starting to shake we weren't sure how to help you that is until that Jasmine girl helped us.

Did Jasmine help them? And how did she do it? Even more, questions came into my head.

Talia - Jasmine? Is she ok? What happened there? tell me? Was anyone hurt?

Leo - sis calm down no one was hurt....well not from our side anyway and Jasmine is fine, she's actually here.

Why do I feel like I am missing something as they all exchange a look that makes me even more confused? What can that be about? I will have to find out that right now I have something else to deal with.

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