Chapter 26

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Talia p.o.v

After calming down John explains to me how Sebastian is Morgans mate, how they found me at the mansion, how they got help from a vampiress called Selena which made Ice a bit annoyed but soon calmed down when we heard that's Selena is Aleister's beloved and who is in a meeting with my dad now about what we aren't sure, how they "borrowed" cars from Victor's garage to get home and how Jasmine is now a member of our pack along with John while my dad and uncle Connor found places for the other girls to live but what shocked me the most is when I found out that........

Talia - Jasmine is Axel's mate?!

John - yeah he told us when we got back since he was being crankier than usual.

Talia - That's true Axel can be a real cranky pain in the ass with all that Jasmine has been through he's gonna have to be patient with her that is if she accepts him as her mate.

John - that's the thing she's been avoiding him since they found each other kinda like we did at the start.

I raise my eyebrow at that is he kidding?

Talia - you mean you did?

John - it's not that I wanted to, I had to protect you I thought I was doing the right thing.

Talia - it's ok I understand why you did it just promise me now more secrets on both sides.

John smiles at me.

John - you got it, I promise I will never hide anything from you again.

I cuddle up to him as we lie down on my bed together he gives my forehead a kiss there is no other sound in the room other than the sound of his heartbeat which sound so soothing and relaxing, we stay like this for about 50 minutes before my brother's voice comes through the mind link.

(Leo - Talia sorry to disturb you but the meeting is starting.

Talia - ugh thanks Leo we will be down in a minute.)

I look to John after cutting off the mind link.

Talia - the meeting is starting.

John - I nearly forgot about that having you in my arms makes me forget my troubles.

Awwwwww I feel my cheeks start to burn with embarrassment as I bury my face into his chest but he lifts my chin so I am looking at him again.

John - you really are quite cute when you blush.

Ice giggles in my head I mentally roll my eyes at her for that I get off the bed and go to the bathroom so I can freshen up a little bit before we go down to the meeting. Once we are at the meeting I can see that all the pack is here but so is Aleister and an unknown vampiress that must be that Selena with a few others, the park members are anxious about having vampires here as well as having the rogue king who is standing next to Morgan and her brothers. At the corner of my eye, I spot Dante and no surprise that the pack slut Amelia is clinging to his arm like a spiders monkey, of course when she sees me there is a jealous glare on her face. Is she for real?? Ugh, dunno why she has Dante even tho I do feel sorry for whoever their mates are, I then spot Jasmine who comes over and stands beside me and John.

Jasmine - Talia are you feeling better?

Talia - much better thanks to you and everyone of course.

She smiles at me I go to ask her about Axel but my dad gets everyone attention and talking in his Alpha voice.

Blake - LISTEN UP.

Everyone looks up to the stage when dad, mum, our Betas and our Deltas are standing.

Blake - I am sure you are all wondering why there are vampires in our territory as well as the Rouge King well I can explain.........

But he's cut off by a very irritated Dante to which I am not surprised he never could keep his mouth shut.

Dante - they shouldn't be here Alpha are you mad!! did you forget what happened to my little sister last year!!!!

Yeah, that she-wolf that killed herself after being raped was Dantes little sister mum tries to defuse the situation

Scarlett - Dante no one has forgotten that, Sebastian here wasn't in charge of the rogues at that point in fact he was the one that stopped them.

Dante - no disrespect Luna but that is the stupidest thing I've ever heard in my life.

There are shock gasps from the other pack members no one has ever spoken to The luna Queen that way before since everyone respects her or they scared shit of my dad but either way, no one has done it. Dad lets out a fierce growl

Blake - That's enough remember your place and don't ever speak with such disrespect to your luna again!!!

Dante is silent after that but looks really mad as he looks my way.

Blake - now as I was saying myself and Sebastian have given the order for the rouges to have their own land in which will be called The Rogue lands Sebastian has sent word to any rogue who wants a life of peace to go there. They will have their own rules which Sebastian has set for them but for Sebastian himself, he wishes to stay with his mate who I am sure you all know is Morgan.

Dad stops for a minute to let the news sink in before continuing I can see it's not sitting well with a few members one being Dante.

Blake - now on to why the vampires are here just so you all know Victor Fox the vampire king is dead.

Cheers, clapping and celebrating howls come from the pack.

Blake - settle down everyone there's more.

Everyone quickly settles down.

Blake - anyway now that Victor is dead his second in command Aleister and his partner Selena here will take charge of the vampires also to we have put in place a new treaty which the Elders have approved. So from now on, there will be peace between our two species.

There are cheers within the pack but something down inside of me is telling me that he has missed something out. I see Dante walking out of the room with Amelia hot on his heels and he's not happy about this the rogues that attacked his sister last year were found and brought to justice but we later found out that Dante ripped out their hearts while they were sleeping in their cells funnily enough that was before he cheated on me, I've got a feeling we haven't heard the last of this not by a long shot.

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