random noon at prayer room

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When we get to experience the peace that comes from You, nothing ever compares.

There are times Lord that I realize how I have all I have prayed for but I still feel empty. I have what I need and still, it feels like something is missing. I realized I have grown independent and after being blessed with so much, I forgot all about You. You, Who is the source of everything I have. You, Who has given me provision and made sure I was secure. God, thank You for making me feel uneasy and that even when I have it all, I should always long for You. You're the only One that matters. Without You, I am poor and I have nothing. Oh, to forsake all that is ever mine just to get You. To give up everything just to be at peace in You once again. Thank You for reminding me of who I am Lord and to be better. Thank You for not allowing the worldly things to be enough to satisfy me. My hunger is only for You to satiate and the void in my heart is only for You to fill. Help me every step of the way and secure my life in You. I love You. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

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