Day two

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God, You have been so so good to me, to us. I often think that I have downgraded because I am not as what I am before, but regardless, You have always made things better for me, even when I do not see it yet. If You hadn't made me go through everything I did, I never would've survived up to this point. You have helped us grow in faith and love.

Looking back, I realized that it wasn't just about being at church or being so active in all that I could do. Faith is also about being hopeful in a hopeless situation. It's believing in You despite the unknown and despite no proof that all will be well. Just holding on to Your Promises and Your Word, and it's enough. It's being so confident that all things would work out for our good despite the fact that we are stuck and stagnant. God, I may forget the hardships that I've gone through because You have raised me to focus more on the good, but my heart will never forget of the faith You taught me when You did the impossible and gave me my miracles. Maybe the reason why I'm hopeful up to this day and living in the moment is because I know my God. He is my provider and greatest supporter. Missed opportunities are not missed because they are not for me. They are redirections for better opportunities. God, I have nothing to boast. I even have nothing of me except my sin, and thus, I offer it all up to You, Father. Lord, I remember when I was confident that You'd hear my prayer because I was living a holy life and just committing venial sins. But that was sin itself, it was pride. How shameful it was of me to think that even in the very least, I deserve You and what You have done for me because I'm doing what's good and what's right. But that itself, was my very mistake. I could live a thousand lives but that can never be enough for the sacrifice and the price You have bought me for. I'm so sorry Lord for thinking thus and thank You for taking me out of it. I'm sorry Lord for failing You and for the many sins I have done. I know I don't deserve You but please forgive me and save me. Help me through life and in all our struggles. God, I'm praying for financial breakthroughs and blessings upon our lives. Keep us safe, protected and well. Be the center of everything. I love You. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

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