In writing

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I love how God lead me to write.

I used to hate writing in our class. I felt like it was unnecessary when we can express ourselves by our actions and with the words we speak. But as I grew up, i realized how powerful words can be. How it can influence lives and touch hearts. Remember that time when we need consolation? The right words can give us comfort. When we need assurance? The right words can give us hope.

Even God, with His very beautiful love letter, the Bible tells us everything about God. When the Holy Spirit is with us, we can transform God's word into life by allowing Him to use us as instruments for His greater Glory.

God broke my heart but at the same time, He saved it for something more. When I was so broken, it was only through words that I could express or let out my feelings. I wrote poems and never told anyone about it. It gave a sense of privacy and confidence at the same time. I think it was God's way of developing my love for writing. 

Even now, as I write my reflections everyday, I realized God was talking to me and responding to me. He was making me realize things and at the same time, letting me be closer to Him. I didn't know about it until I just realized that I was becoming more open minded and He was already changing my life.

How God introduces Himself to us can be very complex. It is truly very mysterious how He works things out. Oh, how amazing is our God. Because if He doesn't surprise us and is as creative as He is, is He then not our God? Our God is so great that even when we combined all our brain cells or read all the books about Him, we can still never comprehend His omniscience. Yet, this brings us great comfort and assurance that He is in control of everything. We are loved and favored by a God who created the universe and part seas, what is there to fear when He defeated death itself just so nothing can separate us from Him. Thank You Lord.

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