what if

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What if God introduced Himself to me because He knew I would give up

God is so mysterious. He truly works in ways we cannot see. But only He can see the bigger picture. Remember those days when we didn't understand the reason for our suffering? The days when things doesn't seem to serve a purpose? Then one day, in His perfect timing, He gives us so much wisdom then we finally realize that in the end, it things worked out for our good.

In a lot of hard and hopeless situations I've been through, I felt like God was hating on me. I felt that He was punishing me. How wrong I was then. These days, I just find myself smiling because God revealed what those hardships were for. They were to strengthen me or to be pave a way for me to help other people. I still have setbacks but things doesn't seem that hard compared to the past. God helped me grow and in the process, He taught me to trust Him in everything.

I am about to take my board exams and it scares me. I am pained because I keep thinking that what if God allowed me to experience failure back then so I could be ready to fail my boards? But also, what if God made me what it was like being a failure so I could be humble in the days when I'm winning in life? I guess I will never be able to figure out His plans until they finally come. All i can do is hold on to His promises and believe that all things work together for good for those who trust in the Lord. 

"Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain"   ~1 Corinthians 16:5

I trust You Lord and I claim victory in Your Holy Name Jesus, my King and my God. Amen.

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