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Right now Lord, I don't feel things as much as I do before and not as passionate as I used to be. However, thank You because my very life is not dependent on my feelings but instead on You. My Spirit is safe and assured that no matter what, I have You with me to come to the Father on my behalf and that I can trust Your love that is sufficient to put me through in life. Lately, things have not been working in my favor but to continue to fight everyday and still live with hope are all because You have equipped me with strength and conviction to keep going. It's hard Lord to see people around me having everything they dreamed of be right in the palm of their hands but God, I know I'm more than blessed because despite all that I have not achieved, I gained You. In these trying times, You taught me not to depend on myself thus shaping me to entrust everything to You and so having the best person I know work things on my behalf now enables me feel safe and secured. While I wait, I know You will provide for my every need before I can see Your breakthrough. Things really do happen for a reason. Writing this makes me realize what an amazing life I'm now living. Here safe with my family and us being complete, my friends who are there for me, food on the table, clothing, communication, recreational activities and so on. God, I have focused so much on what I lack that I failed to see what's in front of me. I'm sorry for being greedy and selfish Father. Lead me and search my heart. Fix what's broken and give me new life. Stay with me always and use me, even with the most simple of things that I may bring glory to Your Name and make You proud. I love You.

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