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I find it a struggle to believe that I am able to be better than I already am. Though I aspire to be great and be the best at the things I do, I cannot help but doubt myself if I am ever qualified for the things I want to become. I may be a doubter but this time Lord I'm entrusting my career, my future and my lovelife to You. So many times I have taken matters into my own hands only to fail miserably and come running to You, crying and asking You to fix my situation. And each time that I do, You remind me of my worth. You remind me that I am able and that I should believe in who You say I am. You have equipped me and blessed me with qualities that will support me all the way to the goal and dreams You planted in my heart. Just because it's taking time it doesn't mean nothing is waiting for me out there because honestly, God, You are preparing the best for me. For a lot of people, they may define success as money, power and fame but to people like us who see You, all that You are is priceless and the peace that You give is eternal. I'm having setbacks yet You never give up on me and believe that I will overcome. Am I even worth it Lord? I know I'm not but as it is, You gave me life and renewed my soul breathing in new life in my lungs. All my passion die down in every defeat I face in life. I'm never strong enough mentally and spiritually no matter how I pretend to be otherwise but You have lead me this far Lord and You will continue to do so. Thank You because I do not have to prove anything to You but in every effort I make, You are proud and You tell me I'm doing a good job. Lord, You are the Father that I always need and You have always been by my side. It took me 20 years to realize what love really meant and that it shouldn't come in fear but with just love. You taught me that. It isn't selfish but giving without asking for anything in return. It doesn't come from the necessity to scream or hurt but with gentleness and kindness. At times, discipline is need but it comes from a good reason with the good outcome because You orchestre everything. Lord, I'm feeling lost but I do know that I have You. I may be back to zero and in the starting line again but having You is already victory.

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