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God, today, I found a reminder of something that happened in the past. We meant well and yet we mistaken to meant something bad and God, it hurts. An old wound reopened made me angry.

Father, I know it's in the past now but I just realized now how much we were pushed back to the point of defeat. It was also quite unfair because we had no idea about what was being done to us. I had no chance of defending myself Lord and I feel frustrated. It would've been better if I really meant harm or that what I did was with the intention to inflict pain but God, we were so supportive and they took it wrong. And they said hurtful words. I could've explained myself but I wasn't able to.

Years after Lord, why are You reminding me of those things? What are You trying to tell me? I'm tired of being misunderstood and not being cared for. I'm tired of loving and not being loved back. I'm tired of choosing and not being chosen. Dad, I know You didn't bring me this far just to leave me behind. Maybe You are making me grow. Maybe I'm meant to let go of those hurtful things and forgive other people even if they didn't say sorry. What if I was like that too? What if I hurt other people too? Forgive me Father and I pray for their healing.

I've also had my fair share of hurting people, intentionally or not. I haven't said my sorry and yet You forgave me.

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