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God has given us everything in this world especially a tanned body with sweat glistening in the sun as he jogged alongside the track field. The way his sport shorts hugged his thighs, and his tank top sticking to his skin as his abs called my name to touch them.

"Heads up!"

I barely had time to react before a hard object ploughed me right on the nose; sending me crashing backwards onto the freshly cut grass. For a second, time stood still as the metallic taste of my blood swirled around my mouth, the first thought that entered my mind was homicide.

A specific murder crossed my mind, and I was so ready to get blood all over my hands from killing someone.

Opening my eyes slowly — vision blurry from the harsh blow — I squinted my eyes to regain I my focus. I saw the school's quarterback in sight of vision. The sun was above his head so I couldn't see that pester expression of his that I wanted to punch so badly.

"Shit! You broke his nose dude," a voice said, and when I fully opened my eyes, a full circle of boys in football gear were surrounding me. Was I in heaven?

"Hey bro," my brother said slapping my thigh, and I glared up at him. "You alright, that blow was pretty hard."

I tried nodding my head, but it was painful.

"You're in deep shit Liam!"

"Shut the fuck up!" he shouted, silencing them all. My brother's best friend was leaning right above my head, black hair was dangling over his forehead and umber eyes flashed with concern. His existence still bugged me though. "He's fine! He's totally okay, right, Dale?"

Everyone's eyes were on my me again. I felt uncomfortable as they waited for my respond.

It was like a dream, everything around me seemed so surreal. I lied there, glaring up at the boy I wanted to punch. Reaching out to touch my nose with my index finger, I flinched from the sharp pain that followed after.

"What's your name?" Tyson asked, I was sure, raised his hand wiggling his fingers in front of my face. "And how many fingers am I holding up?"

"My name is Dale, you moron. He just said my name," I spat the words at him and gingerly sat up, swatting his hand out of my face. "And you're holding up four fingers."

He sighed and smiled. "He's back to normal. Can we get back to practice now?"

Damn, talk about uncaring jocks. This was why I wanted to food poison each and everyone of them so the world could be a better place.

"Are you alright?" Liam asked me, umber eyes flashing with concern again. It took all in me not to lunge forward to rip his organs out, and wrap it around his neck.

He did it on purpose, I was certain of this fact because he was my brother's best friend, and we completely hated each other. Well, I despised him actually. He tried to kill me with a football so he could have an army full of fundamental anti-worshipers.

"What do you think?" I snapped harshly, "my nose is bleeding so I'm doing pretty good."

Liam rolled his eyes before crouching down next to me. "Come on man, I didn't see you. Who said you must walk where we're practicing?"

The Enemy Lives Next Door (bxb) - CompletedHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin