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I was so eager to see Adam today.

I couldn't keep the grin off my face as I drove to Adam's house, ready to tackle him to the ground and kiss him endlessly. If only I had the courage to do such a thing.

Parking my car in the driveway, I got out of the car and walked over to the front door. Wiping my hands against my shorts because of the nerves.

I lifted my hand to ring the doorbell when the door suddenly opened, and a dirty blonde haired child stood behind the threshold.

She placed her hand on her hip, and tilted her head to the side. She stared at with the same intense blue eyes of Adam. She looked around Fourteen. Whipping her hair over her shoulder, she said, "sorry, but the nanny application is closed. Come back next year when I'll be needing a new one."

I chuckled, and knelt down so I could be level with her. "No, I'm not here for the nanny application. I'm here for your brother. Is he home?"

Looking behind her, the house seemed to be void of any movement. She tapped her chin to think about something. "This is weird..." she trailed off, "are you his boyfriend, or his friend that is a boy?"

She had no idea how much I wanted that to be true. If only she knew how much in love I was with her brother. I laughed, and shook my head. "I'm his friend that is a boy."

"Well then," she said grinning at me showing a missing front tooth. "He's taking me to Disneyland, and I can't be late. You can come with us if you want since you're a friend of my brother's."

I nodded my head, and she jumped excitedly. She gave me a twirl, and held onto her pink dress. "How do you like my dress? It's pretty right?" I opened my mouth to agree when she added, "no need to say anything because I know it is. I'm Emily by the way."

Stretching my hand out for her to shake, she raised an eyebrow at me but shook it anyway. "I'm Dale, it's a absolute pleasure to meet you, little princess."

Emily smiled at me. "The pleasure is all mine. We can do so much fine things together! Mickey will be there! And the ferris wheel!"

She jumped up and down in excitement. I grinned as she grabbed my hand to pull me into the house. She cupped her hands over her mouth and yelled, "Adam your boyfriend is here! Get down here or else we're gonna be late!"

I almost choked on my spit, and looked down at her. She shrugged and smiled. Just then, Adam came jogging down the stairs. "Alright alright," he said with laughter in his voice. "Can you stop shouting like a damn lunatic."

Dressed in a tight fitted blue jeans that was ripped at the knees, black button up shirt, and a pair of black sneakers. His eyes seemed to be more blue than the other days as his dirty blonde hair was dishevelled ontop of his head.

I was breathlessly astonished at how someone could look this good.

Our eyes collided, and he grinned at me. "Hey, Dale, how is it going?" he asked politely as he came up to me to give me a bro-hug. "Thank you for making time to do this with me. As you can see she's very talkative, and very busy."

The Enemy Lives Next Door (bxb) - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now