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There were certain things in life that I just could not condone.

Take my stupid brother for instance who decided to invite his entire football jocks over to our house because my mother had to work a double shift tonight.

I was so not going to telltale on him for this — sense the sarcasm.

They were making so much noise that I couldn't think straight. I lay there on my bed, my pillow pressed against my ears — a sick attempt to drown out the trash of a noise they called music and shouting.

"Please," I begged desperately to whomever was listening to me, "I will not be a unmannered teenager anymore."

For a moment, it seemed to work but the noise was back in a second. I threw my pillow one side, hearing it crash against my desk. Maybe I should call the cops and tell them there were unsupervised teenage boys drinking alcohol.

When I heard something crash downstairs, I got up from my bed and strolled out of my room. I saw my mother's antique blue vase shattered into pieces across the floor.

Flynn had his hand over his mouth fully knowing he broke something important. "I didn't mean to," he apologized in a rush when we made eye contact. He looked guilty, almost. "It was just... there."

My brother's laughter could be heard in the background so I angrily stomped my way over there and grabbed him by his t-shirt dragging him into the kitchen.

"Hey Dalley!" I heard Liam call my name but I continued to drag my brother into the kitchen.

Out of the reach of the others, I turned around to glare at him. "What the fuck, Gale?"

My brother swayed on his feet and I looked into his eyes — green orbs dilated. He was wasted. "What the fuck?" he repeated, a slur in his voice.

"You need to get your friends out of here," I demanded, my voice hard and firm. "Mom is gonna be pissed at you and oh, I'm so gonna enjoy watching you drown in your misery when she finds out your friends broke her vase!"

He furrowed his eyebrows. "Mom's vase is broken?"

"Yes!" I said slapping him against the chest, "it's because you are too drunk to notice what's going on! Why do I even bother with you?"

Gale lifted his hand in the air like he was in school. When I didn't say anything, he continued, "uhm, well just know that I love you brother but I'm telling mom you broke it —" I opened my mouth to protest, he shushed me, "— otherwise I'm telling her you used her credit card to buy shit online."

I folded my arms across my chest. "Well then I'm telling her you bumped her car and you blamed it on the lady at the supermarket."

He pouted, and raised an eyebrow at me. "Then I'm telling her you created a profile on a dating site for her."

Damn. He was good. Gale smirked at me knowing he hit the right spot. My eye twitched, a sign of my anger building up. What a fucking dipshit. I harshly shoved him into the chest. "I hope you get fucking paralyzed! And also, your head is so big for you body it makes you look ridiculous!"

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