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I never thought I'd willingly stand by Liam's locker.

It was creeping me out yet I awaited for his arrival. It was the things I did for food. He was taking his sweet ass time to arrive.

Today was Temaki day and I couldn't wait to go to the cafeteria. I had no idea where Liam was nor did I care — okay maybe I did care this time — he was late and I was scared that they might run out of Temaki.

It was strange how every person that walked passed his locker gave me a judgmental look of disapproval. This sucked balls honestly. A brunette even said, "you should be ashamed of yourself."

I tried not to laugh though it was difficult not to because of the insinuation they made, and the most terrifying idea ever. Like in the books of history. I'd never look at Liam that way.

He backstabbed me because he claimed to be helping me with Adam, but yesterday at the movies, he made no move to leave. I was still mad at him for that. I didn't even get the change to make out with my future husband.

Liam was an antichrist for fuck sake.

"Dalley, Dalley, Dalley," a familiar voice said and I turned around to find a grinning Liam — all teeth and dimples — on display.

Beside him was my stupid brother. He had a smirk plastered across his stupid face. "Hey dearest brother, guess what day it is today?"

I rolled my eyes and folded my arms across my chest. Raising an eyebrow, I said, "nobody asked you."

"Then why'd you listen?" he retaliated proudly. I took a step forward to gouge his eyes out, but Liam pressed his hands on my chest and pushed my back a little.

Glaring at his hands on my chest, he removed them quickly and grinned. "Hey now," he said looking between Gale and I. "Let's not fight today, okay? I don't need this right now. Besides, look at you standing by my locker. How sweet of you. I knew this day would come, though I think you might be in love with me."

He was so infuriating. I wanted to slap that grin off his face and rip his arms off so he couldn't touch me again.

I rolled my eyes at him again because I truly couldn't find myself to be entertained by these two. "I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that. What took you so long? I've been waiting here for like, thirty minutes."

Gale furrowed his eyebrows as a crease formed on his forehead. "Is there something going on that I don't know of?"

My gaze found his. "Even if there was anything I wouldn't tell you shit. You're not that important."

He opened his stupid mouth to say something, but I cut him off before he could say anything. "Let's just go to the cafeteria before I punch the both of you in the face."

If Liam thought that flirting with other girls might help him win Lilly over, he was making a huge mistake and he was playing with fire.

As we walked to the cafeteria, Gale cleared his throat causing us to stop in the hallway. He jammed his thumb in the opposite direction. "So I'm going to go look for someone. I'll see you in gym, yeah?"

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