Chapter 1

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It was warm outside, the air felt sticky with the humidity and it was doing nothing for her sour mood. Four long years she spent with a man that did absolutely nothing for her, she finally had the strength to stand up for herself and end things. Even though it felt so right, the anger and fears that were ingrained into her over the course of the relationship would randomly hit her throughout the days that followed. His voice repeating that she wasn't good enough, that what she loved didn't matter, that she shouldn't be so emotional, would immediately take her down. Today though, it had been worse than it had been before. She had woken up from a nightmare in a cold sweat, immediately turning over and for a split second expecting him to be there. It had made her stomach turn that she wanted him there, even for a second. She had gotten up and shaken off the feeling, though the low bubbling anger remained present. So she washed her face and put on her workout clothes. She walked out the door with her dog and was immediately assaulted by the heat.

"Great, just great, I hate this heat. Why can't it be fall already?" She muttered to herself. She walked across the way to the grassy area where she and Lola loved to play and run. Looking all around for other dogs or people, she didn't see anyone and let Lola off her leash to play. This was pretty normal, no one was out this way in the mornings. She was able to blast her music and run the loop around the park as Lola followed or chased the ball she would throw. Today she wanted to lose herself in the music and run off the foul energy that started her day off all wrong. Turning up her K-Pop playlist she began to walk, warming up her muscles. She was still relatively new to the K-pop music scene and didn't know much about it or the bands, but she already found a few songs that she loved. Her favorite so far was a song called Daechwita, it was by an artist named Agust D. This song always pumped her up and got her ready to start her actual run. Turning on the song she waited for the beat to drop and immediately sprinted. She put everything she had into the sprint on the straight away, that for 20 seconds it felt like flying. As she tapered down in speed, she slowed down to a jog and began her run, oblivious to her surroundings.

Ten minutes into her jog, Lola dashes off across the park, looking up YN spots someone walking into the park.

"Oh, shit" she whispers to herself then loudly begins yelling, "Lola! Lola! Come!"

Lola refused to come and ran up on the stranger without any hesitation, tail wagging with happiness. YN jogs over to them with an apology on the tip of her tongue when she looks at the other person. A man who was a bit taller than her with black hair and dark eyes looked back at her.

"Sweet dog, she's extremely friendly" he stated. His voice deeper than she expected sent shivers down her spine. She knew, however, that she had nothing to be afraid of, Lola was an excellent judge of character. If she liked him, then he had to be decent enough.

"Yeah, she's great, but I'm sorry about that. She's usually better behaved." She said while putting Lola's harness and leash on. She straightened up and held out her hand. "I'm YN."

"Nice to meet you I'm Jungkook." He said. He tilted his head as he looked at her, waiting to see her reaction to his name.

"Nice to meet you Jungkook. Are you new to the area?"

"I'm just visiting, I'm staying nearby and wanted to run. It looks like we had the same idea. Are you done already?"

"No, actually I just started about ten minutes ago."

"Would you care if I joined? You can let her off the leash again if you like, I don't mind."

"Sure, I don't have a problem with that."

She leans over and takes Lola's leash off and looks back over at Jungkook. He's stretching and the black shirt he's wearing rides up just a bit to where she catches a glimpse of skin underneath. She can already tell the man is toned. It's not fair, with the voice, those eyes, and a body to die for, really this man had it all when it came to looks. She was sure he had women drooling over him. Just as she thought it he looked over at her, catching her staring at him. He smirks and continues his stretching, staring into her eyes as he does so. She can't help it, she tells herself to look away but she's caught in the depths of those dark eyes. He finally looks away and begins to walk on the track. She follows, slightly dumbfounded over her behavior but keeps pace with him.

Falling Into You - Completed (Slow Editing)Where stories live. Discover now