Chapter 26

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It's been a couple of weeks and everything had been relatively calm. JK looked over at YN in the passenger seat, she had been wringing her hands for the last ten minutes as they drove to their 12-week doctor's appointment to see how the baby was doing. He was both nervous and excited to see how the pregnancy was progressing and how YN was really doing. He had noticed that she had been sick more frequently the further along she was and she had to rest more often if they went out. He knew to expect most of it but it made him worried nonetheless.

With a heavy sigh he reached over and grabbed her hands in one of his "What has you so nervous about?" he asked her.

"I'm just nervous, I mean we will be moving into the second trimester. Not to mention I'm really starting to feel a little self-conscious. I know it's just going to get worse." She said biting her lip and looking down at her hands.

"What are you talking about? None of that made sense to me. You're further along and we are getting closer to meeting our little one that's great. And what are you self-conscious about?"

"Never mind, I don't want to talk about it right now. Anyways, do you think that we could grab something to eat before we get there?" She asked and turned her attention back towards the window. JK sensed the frustration rolling off of her in waves so he decided to leave it alone for the moment. Knowing what would cheer her up he made his way to her favorite fast-food place for some lunch.

After they picked up food, they made it to the doctor's office with barely a minute to spare. When it was their turn to go back YN grabbed JK's hand and held it tightly. She didn't know why she was so nervous. Everything seemed fine and their previous appointments went well too. When they entered the room the doctor had her lay back on the table for the ultrasound.

After she had laid down JK walked around to the opposite side of the bed and held her hand. The doctor squeezed the gel on her belly and started moving the sensor around.

"There they are, your little one." The doctor said.

JK couldn't help the tear that escaped when he saw his child on the screen. When he heard the baby's heartbeat he felt overwhelmed by the emotions running through him. He was so excited to become a father, but he was anxious as well. There were a lot of things that they still hadn't talked about yet. Every time he wanted to broach the subject of her moving to Korea with him, something always seemed to come up. However, he was hoping that Friday would be the night he could plan a romantic evening and ask her to be with him always. Looking down at her and back at his child on the screen, he was overwhelmed by the love he had for someone he had never met.

"That's our baby Kookie," YN whispered. She was surprised that she wasn't sitting there weeping at the sight of her baby. Instead, she just felt at peace. They could hear the baby's heartbeat and that's what truly mattered.

"The baby looks very healthy. Your blood work and everything look great still as well. Do you have any other questions or concerns?" The doctor asked.

"Well, she's been sick more lately and I've noticed she has to rest a lot. Is that normal?" JK questioned the doctor.

"JK, I told you I was fine," YN protested.

"To answer your question, yes it is within the normal range. Some women are extremely sick for the entire pregnancy and some don't get sick at all. The best advice is to eat whatever you're craving and minimize sugar and salt intake to keep swelling down. Resting a lot is perfectly normal too. You would rest quite a bit too if you were growing a human inside you."

"Plus, I've been working from the house, I'm not really overdoing it." She said, starting to get upset. "I know my limits JK, it's fine." She knew he meant well but she didn't need someone hovering all the time. It was starting to feel suffocating. Not only was Jungkook always concerned but everyone was constantly making a fuss and telling her to rest. It made her even more frustrated when she was in the middle of doing something and then whatever man was around at that point would take over and tell her to sit down. She wasn't even that far along in her pregnancy yet, if they were already like this, it was just going to worsen over time.

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