Chapter 6

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JK drove back towards where he and the other members were staying, thinking about YN the entire time. He knew he liked her and the time that they had spent together had been the best time of his life. There was just something about this woman that was getting under his skin, for better or worse he wanted to find out what could happen. With his mind set he walked into the room that Namjoon was staying in.

All six members looked his way at once as he walked in and immediately JK knew he was in deep shit.

"Everyone JK and I need to talk, please leave for a few. Better yet, we will meet you guys at the venue for rehearsal." Namjoon stated while looking JK in the eyes.

Taehyung was the first to get up to head towards the door, as he passes by JK he tells him "Good luck princess" and slaps his ass.

J-hope just gives him a reassuring fist pump to let him know he's got this. Suga follows merely shaking his head in disappointment.

Jimin was the last to move and patted JK on the shoulder "I hope she was good man." To which JK turned sharply to try and grab him as he ran away, running into Suga as he went.

"I'm too old for this shit," Suga huffed out and smacked Jimin on the back of his head. Jin was quick and grabbed JK to keep him from doing any damage to Jimin and pushed JK towards the couch. Namjoon looks over at Jin and motions to the door, but Jin just shakes his head telling Namjoon in no uncertain terms that he was staying.

"Explain," Namjoon said "Everything. Now."

Jungkook sat back and explained every detail of the day yesterday to Namjoon and Jin. From the run to the incident at the sushi place, he left out the finer details of the more intimate moments but he told them about that too. He had no secrets from Namjoon, he was the leader of their group and Jin, was like an older brother to him.

Namjoon just sat on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands. "JK, are you planning on seeing her again?"

"Yes, I do." JK felt bad about making Namjoon worried but he realized he deserved to be happy too. "I'm not sure how I'm going to go about it yet, but I'm going to see her again."

"Alright, then there is some things we are going to have to do here. First, the no-dating rule. It's more of a guideline, we can't let the public know that you're seeing anyone. We all know that it can get messy. Second, you have to tell her who you are. I know that it's not something you want to do because you like the normalcy but if she finds out the wrong way that you lied to her, she will be pissed and likely never talk to you again."

"Ok, but how should I tell her? I don't think she will appreciate it if I just randomly say, hey by the way, I'm a famous K-Pop star and your favorite song was written by one of my bandmates."

"Just, bring her by rehearsals. Let her meet the guys and then have her come to the show. We can get her a ticket and a backstage pass easily enough. But right now I have an even bigger question to ask, you didn't answer me when I asked you if you were being safe about this."

"Of course I did, I told you I didn't tell anyone where I was going and most people out here don't recognize us." He looks over at Jin who just smacked his own forehead and drug his hand down his face. "Uh, Jin?"

"JK, that's not what he meant. He meant did you use protection, you idiot." Jin started flailing his arms and smacking Joon in the process.

"Um, well..."

"Oh God Joon, he didn't wear a fucking condom. Jk! What were you thinking!? How do you forget something like that, especially hooking up with someone you barely know! Did you ask her if she was on birth control?"


"I can tell by the stupid look on your face that it didn't even cross your mind. JK we taught you better than that! I taught you better than that! That girl could be pregnant! God this is going to cause a scandal, Joon what are we going to do? Wait, the guys, oh Lord the guys are going to find out about this and you're going to be teased forever. That's not punishment enough though!"

"Jin, please calm down. Most women are on some form of birth control these days. I'm sure it'll be fine." Namjoon tried to get Jin to calm down, it looked like he was going to have an aneurysm at any moment. He turned back to JK "Man, this isn't a joke, if you're going to keep seeing her you need to be smart about it."

"I know Joon, listen, I really like her. I'm going to take your advice, I'll bring her to rehearsals tomorrow. I want to go back to her after I'm done here for the day."

"I'll let you do that, but you need to remember, you need to be honest with everyone. It's not just you who is affected by this situation, she will be, and so will we as a group. As long as you keep everyone in the loop and you're smart about it, it'll be ok."

"I'll keep that in mind. There is probably going to be one potential problem though. Her ex, he's extremely possessive of her still. He blames her for everything and you can tell he had hurt her in the past."

"I honestly don't know what to say about that. Only that we will have to take care of it if a problem arises. Just don't do anything stupid, like hit him. No one needs to go to jail for an assault charge."

"I'll do my best, but Joon, mark my words I will not back down if he tries to hurt her again."

"Enough seriousness for one day. Come on, they are waiting for us down at the venue."

Once they arrive at the venue they were greeted by the other members. JK could tell by the looks on Tae and Jimin's faces that he was never going to live this down. So he took a deep breath and explained the situation to friends.

"Dude, are you serious? A girl, and one that has a weird ex too. What is this? A soap opera?" Jimin asked. Usually, he was the one who ended up with the girl so he had to admit he was a bit jealous of JK's situation.

"So you're bringing her by tomorrow?" J-Hope questioned, "do you think she's going to be alright with everything? I mean, that can be overwhelming for someone."

"I think she's going to be fine, her favorite song is one of Suga's Agust D songs, so I'm sure he's going to be the only one she gets starstruck over." JK laughed. "Speaking of, I need to text her about tomorrow and to let her know I'm coming back tonight."

As JK walks away Suga leans over towards Namjoon "Are you sure this is the best idea Joon?"

"Nope... not even a little bit. But we will find out tomorrow if this girl is worth us having his back for or if we get her to leave him alone." Namjoon replied, silently hoping that he was doing what was best not only for the group but for JK too.

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