Chapter 23

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Yoongi woke up to his phone alerting him to a text message. He looked down at YN and she was still absolutely dead to the world curled up against his chest. He called her kitten because she looked so sweet and innocent when she curled up against you when she slept, then as soon as you piss her off her hackles raise and she hisses. He shook his head at the image of her yelling at Jin when he had the audacity to wake her up from one of her naps to come and eat. She settled down after the mention of food but they all learned their lesson that day. Unless it was JK or Yoongi, no one was spared her wrath when waking her up. Even then, JK was the only one who was always spared. Yoongi would still get a perturbed look when he needed to get up or move away which would sometimes cause her to wake up.

At the current moment, he did his best to detangle himself from her as gently and as quietly as possible. Once he was able to move without waking her, he got up and left the room with his phone in hand. Looking down at it he saw it was a message from JK.

JK: I need your help.

Yoongi: Sure, what's up?

JK: Let me show you.

Following that text were images of the photos that were found in the apartment. When Yoongi saw the pictures, his fury rose up swiftly.

Yoongi: What the fuck?! Who's messing with my kitten JK?

JK: I think it's her ex, his name is Mark. I've only met him once when YN and I went on our first date. He showed up at the restaurant.

Yoongi: Shit, this complicates things. She's going to have to talk about it and she's not gonna want to.

JK: I know, unless we do some digging?

Yoongi: Now I know why you asked me for help. I'll look into it.

JK: Thanks Yoongi.

Yoongi: Of course, I'm gonna bury this bastard for messing with our family.

JK: You can understand a bit about how I feel. Yoongi, I'm not going to let him mess with her anymore.

Yoongi: We will fix it, don't worry. How much longer are you guys going to be?

JK: A few more hours yet. Jimin and Tae just got back from the store with items that needed to be replaced. We are trying to get it all down now.

Yoongi: Ok, she's still asleep. I'll wake her up and see if she wants to go out with Hobi and I for a walk.

JK: That'll be good, thanks Yoongi.

Yoongi went downstairs to find J-Hope and found him in the living room reading a book.

"Hey, I'm going to get YN up so we can go for a walk. The other guys are still working on the apartment. I don't want her to oversleep or anything. Plus Lola could probably use a chance to run around."

"Sure, but you're the one waking her up right? As much as she loves me, she gets grumpy if I try." Hobi said.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'll brave it," Yoongi muttered as he turned around and went back upstairs to her room. He walked over to the bed and laid back down with her for a minute. Then gently he pushed the hair back from her face and whispered "Hey kitten, it's time to wake up ok?" he nudged her shoulder just the slightest bit when one of her hands came flying up. He was prepared for it and caught her hand, rubbing her knuckles and whispering to her again to wake up.

Her eyes finally opened and she frowned up at him. "What time is it?"

"It's almost 3 in the afternoon, Hobi and I thought it would be nice to go out for a walk. Lola could use it too."

"You seriously woke me up for exercise? Yoongi what the hell!" she exclaimed as she pushed against his chest.

"Hey now, it'll be good to get out of the house ok? If you do I'll talk Hobi into taking us for ice cream. Ok?"

She rolled her eyes, of course, the man knew how to bribe her. Jungkook must have told all the guys that she's a sucker for anything sweet. "Fine, I'll go put on some leggings. I'll be down in a minute" She said as she got up and walked into the bathroom.

When she got downstairs they left for the park that was close to the house. They walk around for some time and while the guys played with Lola, YN sat in the grass and enjoyed a bit of the sunshine. There wasn't really anyone around which was nice but she started to feel a little uneasy. Looking around she didn't see anyone but she got up and moved closer to the guys. She sat back down and pulled out her phone to do some reading when she heard Lola start to growl.

Turning to look at the dog, she froze. The guys stood up and were no longer playing with her, but Lola's gaze was fixated on something behind her. YN looked up at Yoongi and Hobi with big eyes, she didn't know what was going on and she was afraid to turn around.

"YN, I don't see anything but stand up and come closer to me ok?" Yoongi told her.

She nodded her head and stood up and started to walk closer to Yoongi. He had his hand extended towards her and was getting ready to pull her to him when Lola snarled and they heard a loud bang. Yoongi grabbed YN and pulled her down to the ground and Hobi covered her body with his. Lola had taken off at the sound. Hobi was quicker to regain his senses and hauled YN up by her arms and ran to the nearest building with Yoongi following.

"Lola, where's Lola" YN shouted as she gripped Hobi's shirt "Hobi where's my baby?"

"YN relax, I'm sure she just got startled by the noise." He said soothingly, he pulled her head to his chest as he looked at Yoongi.

"I'll go look for her, I saw which way she ran so I'll start there. Just stay calm please, remember your baby YN." Yoongi said before taking off in the direction that Lola went.

YN's hands dropped to her belly, feeling the slight bump that was there. To someone who didn't know her, they wouldn't be able to tell she was pregnant but her belly was just starting to subtly round out. She looked back up at Hobi who had pulled his phone out to call JK.

"JK yeah, we are at the park. Yes, everyone is fine. Something happened though. Ok, we will meet you at the house. Yoongi is looking for Lola. No, it's ok, we will be there soon." He said and hung up just in time to see Yoongi walking back with Lola beside him. He heard YN's sigh of relief as she ran towards the dog.

Yoongi walked over to J-Hope and held something out to him. It was a polaroid picture of them playing with Lola in the park. It was blurry at best but it had just been taken.

"Someone is trying to scare her. I don't think they are trying to hurt her, but definitely scare her." Yoongi whispered hiding the photo.

"Did you see anything?"

"There was a single bullet casing, it looked like it was a message," Yoongi replied.

YN walked up to the two men who were deep in conversation. "Yoongi thank you for getting Lola back. What do you guys think happened?"

"Someone's truck must have backfired. It just startled all of us. It's ok, let's head home." He said

"Yeah let's head back and we can have JK treat us to ice cream since he'll be waiting for us," Hobi said subtly nodding at Yoongi.

They both didn't feel the greatest about hiding this from YN but knew it was for the best. They would talk to JK about it once they got back. This just solidified the fact to Yoongi that this creep was gonna pay for his actions. With that in mind, they got back into the car and headed back to the house.

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