Chapter 31

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Jungkook tensed as soon as those words left the doctor's mouth. He began bracing himself for the worst possible news, that his best friend was dead. He felt the tears form in his eyes as he took a deep breath "What is it?" he asked the doctor, his voice quivering as he held back the tears.

"We need another donor, your friend has lost a lot of blood and we need to replace it. You mentioned YN has the same blood type and although it is unconventional, we don't have any other donors or blood available right now."

Lillie stood up from her spot next to her daughter "You don't need to take blood from my daughter, I'm a universal donor. I'll donate, let's not waste a second. Let's get that young man back on his feet." Without waiting for the doctor to respond Lillie took him by the arm and left the room.

Once the pair left, the tension that had entered the room upon the doctor's arrival dissipated. Everyone was able to somewhat relax, JK saw the shoulders of his brothers slump and knew they felt the same relief he did. He was surprised that a doctor would come in and phrase something so minor that way, everyone was expecting him to say that Jimin didn't make it. They need to work a bit more on their bedside manner. Shaking his head, he held onto YN even tighter and allowed himself to close his eyes for the first time in 24 hours.

A short while later YN woke up to the sounds of beeping. The different monitors that she was still attached to, were uncomfortable in an effort to adjust her position she finally realized she wasn't in the hospital bed alone. Slowly looking down at the hands wrapped around her waist, she saw the hand tattoos and knew who it was. Shifting ever so slightly so she wouldn't wake him, YN turned her head to look at Jungkook's face. The first thing she noticed was how his face was tense, his eyebrows were furrowed, and his lips were pinched. Even in sleep, he couldn't seem to relax. She was thankful though that he was able to rest. Shifting back to her original position, she settled back down so he wouldn't be disturbed. Running her fingers across his hands and arms, she let the sound of his breathing calm her anxiety.

A few moments later a voice whispered next to her "Hey kitten, are you doing ok?" It was Yoongi. She hadn't noticed that he had fallen asleep in the chair right next to the bed.

"Yes, I'm fine now. Have we heard anything about Jimin?" she whispered back.

"No, but we should anytime now. He needed a lot of blood. Luckily your mom was here because you were the only other match we have."

"My mom is a universal donor, she got lucky. They always ask her to donate blood because of it."

"Your mom is amazing, she's definitely my hero."

YN smiled down at Yoongi saying "I'm sure, I mean she basically gained 7 new sons. Be prepared to be mothered within an inch of your life." She quietly giggled, knowing her mom was going to fuss over each and every one of these boys. She figured only Yoongi might be uncomfortable with it but seeing the look in his eyes, how grateful he was, she didn't think it would be an issue any longer.

"I'm glad she...." He started but was stopped by someone walking into the room.

The doctor came in and without hesitating, he stated "Jimin is out of surgery, he's been stabilized. He's still asleep but you all will be able to see him in the morning." And just as quickly as he came, he left.

YN let out a gasp and immediately shook JK, while Yoongi woke the other members. "Kookie, baby, wake up. Come on the doctor just told us about Jimin." Hearing JK groan aloud, YN moved his arms and turned around to pat his cheek "Come on sleepyhead, wake up!"

Hearing the moans and groans from the other members about being awoken at such an ungodly hour, YN couldn't contain her excitement over the news any longer. She finally shouted, "Jimin is going to be fine!"

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