Chapter 18

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Over the next three weeks, JK and YN fell into a weekly routine. They would FaceTime every evening regardless of the time, they would send texts throughout the day, and messages in the group chat. She was happy that the guys were doing well and that their shows were successful. Each concert had been a whirlwind and it was great to be a part of something that brought joy to so many people. It wasn't hard to see why they loved the guys as much as they did, every one of them worked hard and loved their fans.

It was early Thursday morning before the fourth concert that she was going to though when she felt her heart drop to her feet. She had opened up her social media platforms, and of course, she followed all the members as she wanted to keep up to date on them when she saw a picture. The picture was of Jungkook with his arms around another girl, leaning down to whisper into her ear. It looked like it had been taken in front of the hotel that they were staying at. The headline glared back at her "Has Jungkook Finally Found the Love of His Life" and it proceeded to discuss that he had been seen with a girl on more than one occasion during his concerts. No one had pictures, but there had been reports of a woman being escorted back to see him.

She knew part of it was true, obviously, someone would see them together at the shows, but they were always discreet when they left the hotels together and wouldn't be physical with each other until they were either behind closed doors or in the vehicle. For him to so blatantly show affection for another woman out in the open, her insecurities roared to life. She was supposed to fly out tomorrow morning with Kai for the next show, the ticket and itinerary were set. Now she was doubtful that it would be smart to go.

Just then a text came in from Jimin.

Mochi: You're gonna be back in 24 hours! I miss my favorite girl!

YN: Um yeah, I uh don't know if I'm going to go Jimin.

The food she just ate finally refused to settle and she ran to the bathroom. The one thing she hated was that as soon as she felt overwhelmed her stomach never settled right. She had been feeling nauseous for the past couple of weeks. She knew it was from the traveling and the stress of work while keeping up with the shows on the weekends. It was taxing. Then her phone started to ring, looking down she should have guessed he wouldn't take that answer kindly.

"Um, Hell no, what do you mean you don't know if you're coming?!" Jimin exclaimed over the phone.

"Jimin, I'm just tired, I don't feel the greatest either."

"Oh like that has stopped you in the past, last week I swear you couldn't keep anything down the first day you were here. Yet you still pulled out all the stops for the show and JK. Don't give me that bullshit." Jimin said, then his face dropped "Why are you really not wanting to come YN?"

"Have you seen the news outlets this morning?"

"No, I haven't had time to look. I'll look right now."

She knew he would come across it as soon as he looked up BTS. It was the first thing she saw come across her feed. Leaning her head back against the wall she waited for him to see the article.

"What the fuck is this?" Jimin shouted, "There's no way that it's what you're thinking YN. Jungkook would never do that to you."

She just shook her head and started to cry "Why wouldn't he Jimin? I mean there's nothing special about me. He's surrounded by beautiful women all the time. I'm just a girl he met five weeks ago."

"Aww YN-ah, it's not like that at all. JK loves you, more than he loves anyone else. You can see it on his face every day."

"Jimin, it's so hard. I love him but I'm just..."

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